ghost riding the apocalypse cuz there’s no way off this ride
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meh. they can look if they want. once in a while i’ll flip off the camera tho, just to keep it spicy
the management class always devalue the efforts of those doing actual work. their exorbitant salaries couldn’t be justified any other way.
Siri, make me look like a cunt
This would be better posted in !
You’re welcome.
I quit after over 20 years. It was really, really hard. I still crave them. Won’t start again, just because quitting was so incredibly difficult. But, yeah. I, uh, think about it… Both sides of it.
Be aware, I cherry picked the information you had asked for from a much larger work. Just “Chapter 3 - The health effects of active smoking” has 37 sections. Everyone but the one I linked above has a list of negative effects. Have a look at the rest of it, too.
Chapter 3 Index:
Don’t just confirm your biases. Look at the whole picture.
Wish you the best.
There’s reason to believe there are specific benefits from smoking tobacco. It’s just that they are pretty much always outweighed by the negative effects of smoking in the long term.
meh. modern kids have phones. they weren’t outside cell coverage. probably deserved it
the dog enjoyed it, the parade was at least worth something
Either that or you’re right with a galosh.
Just wait. Everything is about to go nuts.
eating while sleeping in the shower… got it… if anyone needs me… i’ll have drowned in soggy tortilla chips… but they won’t so it’s rhetorical anyway
Compost them first then you can eat the rich while also being vegan = Billions and billions of carbons.
the brain develops in a chronologically similar fashion among members of the same species. even more so when exposed to similar cultural stimuli. that is correct.
First thing, kill the guys by the ballista in front of the castle like 500 times fer levulz. Then go south for a while and kill lion guy. then do everything else.
religion is entertainment designed to make people feel like theyre doing something good. while they are technically being willfully ignorant, the parents are more simply focused on their own gratification and don’t want to be bothered with solving actually crises or doing actual good. they just want to be told they are good because that feels good. thats what keeps them putting money in the plate. their own gratification.
always were