If up or down votes bother you, then have some serious issues. You need to re examine your priorities. Maybe posting on social media is not good for you. You have too fragile of an ego if you get upset that someone disagrees with you. Life if full of people who disagree with you. If you can’t handle it, then you need help. I’m sure this comment will get a ton of down votes, but I don’t care. They don’t bother me because I’m not fragile. I live in the real world and understand that what people think of something I write doesn’t really make a difference my life.
I really hope you are not in the majority, otherwise this world is doomed.
As I replied to the other comment, I simply searched a family member’s name. I didn’t really understand the results because they’re not like regular search engines. I clicked on the first one and I just saw a LOT of very underage pics. I freaked out and immediately closed the browser. I was shocked that it was so easy to accidentally come across those things.
Thanks for your comment. I searched a name. I’m not going to post the name but it’s not a famous name. It’s a family member. The pics were of severely underage kids. I would love to tell authorities, but idk how you do that without looking guilty of something. I’m just totally shocked that it’s so easy to find those things, even when you’re not looking for them.
Chances are, most people wouldn’t know about anything outside of their small circle if it weren’t for articles. The article is just a beginning. The article brings your attention to something. Then it’s your responsibility to research what it says and determine how true it is. I prefer to think of an article as a hypothesis. Usually there are several facts that lead to a hypothesis. The job is then to determine the validity of the facts and see if the hypothesis holds up to further scutiny.
But don’t lose the list. Losing the list would be bad. We’ll need to keep the list in a safe place.
It’s for lazy people. I get the ones that aren’t wrapped. They’re cheaper too.
I wish I would have read your comment before wasting time reading that article to find out how much it was going to cost.
Johnathan Haidt has laid out all of his teams data and research on the subject. It is very compelling and conclusive.
Evernote is still around? I stopped using that years ago because it pales in comparison to so many other apps.
Jesus can’t grow up anymore. I’m sorry to be the one to break the news to you.
That doesn’t happen where I live. Only service dogs are allowed in most businesses, and I see one of those maybe 3 or 4 times a year. The only place I see dogs brought inside are the pet stores that allow/encourage it.
Where do you live that people bring dogs into restaurants?
No. I’m saying I’ve seen hundreds of those, so it’s not interesting in the slightest.
Yes! It just started working when I updated it a few days ago.
I’m still waiting for you to finish.
That’s very common.
I was confused by an onion.
That is the worst misrepresentation of Net Neutrality I’ve ever seen. This “article” makes it sound like the government is protecting you. It makes me want to vomit. They get away with this because nobody reads the actual bills. They just take what the media writes and accepts it as truth.