Might be visually accurate considering the possibility some users are trans…
Might be visually accurate considering the possibility some users are trans…
Do a march on the same route an hour after they finish and say “We are better than them and don’t hate you” do it un masked and see how many people join you.
I always found it funny how writers portray themselves as upper middle class in New York living in in apartment only the top 1% of writers can afford when the reality is the opposite.
Checks group, wait this isn’t The Oniion?
Plus said corporations pay I mean lobby for them…
I do
I can’t try again because I can’t exit out …
I hear Elon is going to start a colony on Mars, they should go and demonstrate how wrong we were
Kyles mom has finally been dethroned
Wait, are the snowflakes still crying over this years later?
My real juglists know!
Cheaper TV’s sometimes won’t function without one.
Start buying commercial displays. Cost more but will be about as close to a dumb tv. You will have to provide your own smart device for apps …
I’m so happy this message is making it’s way to the top
You either die a hero or less be long enough to become the villain.
Please don’t forget to VOTE!
Watch what the talk about and shine a light on it. Ending contraception and abortion and easing laws on child labor…
You either die a hero or live and watch yourself turn into a villian.
Tom’s hardware, woot, and most recently donut media just to name a few. All were once the place to go, they all were bought out by bigger interest and eventually became the villian.