It’s fitting that Lieutenant Woof isn’t in the picture.
It’s fitting that Lieutenant Woof isn’t in the picture.
The actual scene is very funny too.
SELA: Come in, gentlemen. Take a seat, please. (she continues working on a PADD) Excuse me, I’m just finishing up a speech. For you, Mister Spock. I rather enjoy writing. I don’t get to do it often in this job.
DATA: Perhaps you would be happier in another job.
I always remembered TNG as being very stiff. But I’ve been rewatching several episodes with a friend lately, and I was surprised how many subtle jokes are in there.
I mean, that’s actually great advice.
There actually is a page with that title which forwards to the profanity page: https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Colorful_metaphor
Which episode is it? (My guess is something from season 3, based on Kirk’s uniform)
I have a friend who doesn’t like the (quote) “new Star Trek shows”. That’s anything produced after 1969. He grew up with TOS.
He’s enjoying SNW though, so there may be hope for him. 😄
Not being ruled by dominant women. (🤤)
What does a member of this species think about themselves when they look into a mirror? Do they all hate themselves?
Worf is the best. {{:-)
He was always my favorite when I was a kid and I got super excited when I learned that he was joining DS9. (I saw it on a magazine cover at a gas station – that was before internet connections were widespread)
To this day I can’t believe that the first regular episode after the pilot was a story about the crew acting out of character. We didn’t even get to really know the characters by then. What a weird decision.
Do yourself a favor and watch SNW. It’s the best Trek since DS9. It’s a nice blend of different Trek iterations, and reception has been overwhelmingly positive.
I’ve been watching Trek since the early 90s and SNW ranks in my top 3 Star Trek series. I also have a friend who grew up with TOS in the 70s and never really liked the new Trek shows (for him, “new” means any Star Trek produced after 1969) and he absolutely loves SNW.
Give it a try, watch the first 4-5 episodes and see for yourself. It’s really good.
This might be an unpopular opinion but I mostly liked season 1. It wasn’t perfect by any means but I think it did a lot of things right. I never wanted a TNG reunion (I still very much enjoyed season 3) but a story about an elderly Picard who has moved on. He has new friends, new things to do. Because that’s life. You don’t spend your entire life doing the exact same thing with the exact same people. And a lof of older folks nowadays feel useless and left behind. Giving them a positive role model in TV would have been nice. But unfortunately the writers/producers decided to do one of those end-of-the-universe stories that spans the entire season. That’s what dragged the season down for me.
Yes. And I doubt this will change anytime soon. Maybe in a few years AI upscales are good enough to remaster old TV shows at low costs. But until then, we’re stuck with this. Which I don’t mind that much, to be honest. It’s a product of its time, like every piece of art.
There’s !ds9@lemmy.world, and the general Star Trek community at !startrek@startrek.website (and more memes at !risa@startrek.website)
Thanks for the chuckle. I needed it today.