Woah an was für einer Uni bist du denn? Ich zahl 140€
Woah an was für einer Uni bist du denn? Ich zahl 140€
I will just host a matrix instance. Decentralization is the future.
Also, why don’t they realize that avoiding chat control is soo easy. Unless it isn’t actually meant to prevent crimes
Here is an interesting article on how stupid the chat control is. It’s in German, but probably easy to translate.
My jellyflin server is really stable and everything works great, but the “official” clients are really not great. I also had issues with subtitles on Android TV. If the subtitles are so important better find a third party client. Maybe you can use transcoding to fix the subtitles. There are some options, but I never touched them
Why are these apps getting hacked? Wouldn’t just RSA 2048 be enough?
Installing windows takes stupidly long. You have to click through 60 pages and click “No, i don’t want to share my data” just for them to collect it anyway
/((vs)|(visual ?studio)):? ?(cod(e|ium)?)/igm
Learned some really neat shortcuts fom the comments :)
Gesprochen wie ein Löwe
Did it once and was disappointed. One was Sata2 instead of 3 and the other was straight up broken
I interpreted the log, that jellyfin tries to transcode to av1 and I don’t think the 1660 Ti supports AV1. Can you show me your transcoding config?
Join Schengen! It’s easy, unless Austria abuses it’s Veto rights