There are two pieces left!
Sorry, just enough for breakfast.
Do they pay Anthony Burgess for the rights to their band name?
Fruity Oaty Bars come to mind, but there is no way Blue Sun didn’t also have Fast food restaurants.
How can you forget McBari’s! They only have fresh spoo, but the flarn is out of this world.
Is this just a way to get his mail delivered to his cell, since An Post won’t come to his house any more?
Growing up, we had a game called “fight the tide” where we would build sand castles in the intertidal zone with a stick in the peak of the castle. Last stick standing wins a chocolate bar.
Ebb is the state of the tide going out, Flow is coming in.
Intertidal is an interesting thought, but isn’t it already taken by the area that is covered by high tide and exposed at low.
I was wondering about the point where it is halfway between high and low, whether it is ebbing or flowing. Slack is more the high or low point where it switches from ebbing to flowing.
Isn’t that more like Slack-tide when a high or low tide turns and becomes still (Stau like traffic?)
Never liked the way half-tide sounded, I think I’m liking Mean-Tide, or Median-Tide if I’m feeling fancy.
Mean Tide?
I think you’re right about slack and stand, and ebb and flood would work but it’s usually just a glimpse when I drive over a bridge that makes me think about it, so I don’t know which way it’s going.
I grew up on the coast, so I never really thought about tides just that that was the way it was. Then I married someone from a landlocked country and every time we drive over the bridge over the cove near our house I comment when the tide is high or low since they are used to lakes, and I’m never quite sure what to say when it’s in the middle.
As good a selection as any
Meddle, Pink Floyd
I’ve killed a couple up here in CT, but now that I know they eat grapevines, which make a run at choking everything in my garden out , I’m having second thoughts.
It’s a bit “old lady who swallowed a fly” but if they develop a taste for bittersweet…
I’m a simple man, I hear a trombone solo - I up vote.
Thanks, I hadn’t heard these guys before.
Wow! You’ll remember that for a long time!
I’ll dig up some of the pictures of Osprey bringing home the bunker from the summer. Mostly about this quality.