Populism requires sacrificial lambs and fascism requires victims.
Populism requires sacrificial lambs and fascism requires victims.
You could substantially de-uglify XP with a different theme, but, damn…that ugly
Yeah, I forgot to mention that the longevity of the solar models is indeterminate due to new technologies. I imagine they will get better and better, though, as solar tech is constantly improving.
Stop buying the marketing hype. An LED display alone is significantly more complex and engineered than any mechanical watch. Every smart watch on the planet is literally full orders of magnitude more complex than any mechanical watch.
If you said, “it’s a small, simple, cool machine” that would be completely true. But they are not more engineered than nearly every other device you possess in your home, including the nearest set of $20 bluetooth earbuds.
Mechanical: You’re looking for a Seiko. Bulletproof, affordable mechanical watches. They need service every 5 years or so and you will need to adjust the time regularly as mechanical watches are basically shitty at their jobs. I have a Seiko Monster and it rules. Also check out the Cocktail Time line, really cool but maybe 500+. The Seiko Alpinist is also awesome.
Quartz: If you are interested in keeping precise time, then you want a quartz movement. Cheaper, keep better time, but you will need to feed them batteries occasionally, which is annoying every decade or so. Lots of brands make decent quartz movements. Watch snobs talk shit, but they’ve been brainwashed by the Swiss marketing.
Maybe the best option: solar-powered, radio-adjusted movements. Casio makes a number of good options (g-shocks and others) and Citizen’s Eco-Drive is also well-regarded.
Any option you choose will eventually need service over a lifetime, but mechanical watches have by far the highest maintenance costs for obvious reasons.
These had the same body style, but the engine is different than the American-made models of the same years. They have Mitsubishi Astron engines and another diesel model. Also, obviously, left hand drive.
Poe’s Law is killing it on this one
They are hard to open due to a vacuum seal. So just take a very small flathead screwdriver and put it under the lid, and apply a small amount of upward force to break the seal. The jar pops, releases the pressure, and now a toddler can open it. I use the nail file on my pocket Leatherman. Works every time.
Good news: she will be extremely impressed Bad news: not the way you want
By sharpening your claws on my sadness??? I don’t know how preparing yourself to murder me will make me smile, but I admire your bloodlust, kitty.
Super relaxing until you piss it off with your excessive snuggling and it gives you a face full of bile.
Theme: tell me you are 16 without telling me you are 16
Christ those are fucking ugly. Guaranteed to be exclusively worn by elderly people and the worst kind of Trump-humping schmucks.
You should also hate Joe Lieberman. He scuttled a public option for the ACA, which likely would have prevented a lot of the shenanigans insurance companies pull, as they would be competed right the fuck out of business with a robust public option. Japan has private and public insurance and costs are generally low for health care. Most kids get it completely free
Holy shit, I haven’t seen this template for YEARS. Pulled out of one dusty ass meme vault…
At least the yokels stuck it to the libs before they had all their extra-depraved porn taken away.
There’s way too many people who don’t share your moral fortitude. The reason why moral people don’t do it, though, is because it amplifies and confirms these assholes’ fears and prejudices.
Thanks for reminding me that there is no Drive 2 *sob
Absolutely agree
This is such a bad take it seems like deliberate misinformation.
Signal is open-source software maintained by a non-profit. User data is not stored on Signal servers, they have no way to access messages as they are stored and encrypted on your phone. If the Signal Foundation were revealed as bad actors then the open-source code could be forked to a new project.
Feel free to fully evaluate their code here: https://github.com/signalapp