The show gets better each season too
The show gets better each season too
OP will be an oppressing middle manager one day
One of the main things that hyped it up was that we were on lockdown because of Covid. Nothing to do but look for some entertainment at home. Thankfully we had this show and crazy ass Tiger King.
The trend was safely justified
The Man From Nowhere gets my vote.
Parasite, Train to Busan, and classic Oldboy are other great ones off the top of my head
Something to do with me I’m guessing. It’s like the third one I’ve tried today and just fails to establish a connection
Link doesn’t appear to work for me
ChatGPT is such a white knight these days
Alright you have convinced this internet stranger to switch
I agree with Abercrombie and I don’t actually really care for Sanderson all that much. Sanderson is a prolific writer though, and his speed is in direct opposition to GRRM’s long droughts between books. It would be a bit less funny if I was being serious.
Ladies and gentlemen of the class of ’99 Wear sunscreen If I could offer you only one tip for the future Sunscreen would be it The long-term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists
Well I’m hungry now
I remember when Dance of Dragons came out because it was just before my wedding, in my 20’s. I’ve been divorced, married again, had 4 kids and I’m in my 40’s now.
Been waiting on these books for almost half my life. Heard about the series from the Something Awful forums back in the early 2000’s lol.
One day it will be Brandon Sanderson who finishes. He’s probably already done with it and just waiting on GRRM to visit Valhalla.
Muchas gracias amigo
If you want liquid that will hit hard, get nicotine salt based eliquid.
If you want to make your own, Caroline extract can’t be beat (in the USA)
You think this dude is trolling
Do you guys have free beer
Yeah I just picked up an Ultra after not having one since the first gen. Very useful for sleep tracking, short cuts (if you have a smart home) and all kinds of other crap. Works nice with AirPod max too.
Very subjective but I don’t find Sandler funny at all. The only movie of his I can stand is Happy Gilmore…. And possibly Mr Deeds because of the butler guy.