Parks and Rec, and Letterkenny, for me. Two of my absolutely most favorite shows. Both are ridiculous in the own way, but overall uplifting and positive.
Parks and Rec, and Letterkenny, for me. Two of my absolutely most favorite shows. Both are ridiculous in the own way, but overall uplifting and positive.
Good thing you threw in gravity… For a second there, I thought you were being sarcastic!
1.21 Gigawatts, Marty!!
Excellent synopsis! Thank you!
Nevermind…I get it now. Here’s a better article for those of you like me…
I read this article, but I still don’t understand. Am from US… Apologies for density.
Wrong Leary. The devil’s talking about Timothy Leary, in this case.
I hate foreshadowing…
152k to 1.5 milhouse is definitely an astronomical increase. Where does that number come from? For that matter…has he been funding all of this on his own up until this point?
“Where do you think we are right now?”
Jim Jeffries kills me with this bit. First time I saw it, I was crying with laughter…
Is this something Trump can pardon? I feel like that would be a point worth reporting, if so, as it would make it extremely likely this shit bag is playing the waiting game.
Pure poetry, my friend. Bravo.
Dating myself a bit here, but Meatloaf’s Paradise By The Dashboard Light, and Billy Joel’s Scenes from an Italian Restaurant are 2 that need to be on this list.
I think this one is actually doing the opposite of telling a story.
Images and Words, for that matter.
Lol… This was great… Thank you!
Carol of the Bells, by Trans Siberian Orchestra… Hands down.
One is Starship Troopers and the other is from Aliens.