Right? It’s inspiring, really! It makes me want to see what kind of dumb things like this I can come up with.
Right? It’s inspiring, really! It makes me want to see what kind of dumb things like this I can come up with.
Lol…Took me until the end to realize it’s all the same dude.
Wait, wait. I worry what you just heard was “bring me a lot of bacon and eggs”. What I said was “Bring me all the bacon and eggs you have”.
Likely owns a vending machine business. They’re easier to return than a handful of quarters if someone uses a 5 dollar bill to buy something for a buck and change.
Not sure what you mean about sending one of these posts…
Thanks for responding, all the same!
Is that a function of Lemmy, or just federated links, I wonder.
Exactly. Sometimes I can get it to load if I try opening it it a few times… But not that often.
Huh. Are you using Connect, or something else?
I am saving this. You guys are effing great.
I’ve not yet met a device whose Bluetooth name i couldn’t change. Just Google, “How do I change the Bluetooth name on “x device”?”, and substitute, “x device”, with the manufacturer, make, and model of the device whose Bluetooth name you want to change. I believe in you.
This is the part where someone comes along and tells me this bird is suffering from some neurologic disorder that will lead to it’s starvation and eventual death.
I definitely expected the tire to blow.
First…I love this discussion. Thank you for it. It’s what made me love Reddit in the early years, and why I’m so enamored with Lemmy. Secondly…You make an excellent point; one I can’t refute. I don’t know how we move towards a solution without having a way to succinctly describe an ideologic structure. I just hate how partisan the world becomes, and how much the media plays off of it to help the fuckers in charge sell ads, or maintain power, wherever you live and whatever ism you subscribe to. Maybe all I’m doing is just missing the point and muddying the waters…
You are 100% correct in your assertion, my anti Mario sex toy friend, and I love your passion. I worry that the minute you call someone’s intelligence into question, they’ll take a defensive posture and stop thinking critically. Critical thinking is what we need more than anything else in this world right now. That’s what’s in short supply. It’s why the news is constantly being flooded with new things, and why there are so few media outlets that don’t have a slant. If I can get you outraged at team blue, or team red, or team US, or team THEM, your anger overrides your reason and you stop thinking about who benefits from the distraction provided by us arguing over whatever this new bullshit thing is we’re arguing over. Hopefully that last statement makes sense.
Oh! I see. No…I’m only saying the minute you start talking any “-isms”, you trigger feelings of tribalism that exist in all of humanity. We want to be on the “good team”. No one wants to be on the bad team, and that feeling is what the Uber wealthy uses to keep us busy. Debating all of the “-isms” is the problem. Let’s figure out how to take care of the masses so basic human needs are met, allowing humanity to prosper, and figure out what the hell to call it later. Otherwise, we just quibble over semantics and nothing gets done.
Help me understand how I’m close in what I’m saying, my friend. It feels like we’re saying exactly the same thing.
Came here to post the same advice. 30 minutes… Absolute max.