I am interested.
May I ask what you spend your money on that nobody notices?
In my experience the mix out of everything gives me a feeling on how much they have. A big indicator usually are vacations. If you have money to burn to go on a expensive vacation you probably don’t have money problems.
More like mobile game companies are like drug cartels
Specific places (only big cities in the usa), different hobbys esspecially small ones, litterally every topic that isn’t memes, linux, computers in general or communism
To be fair the topic is very specific. There are not that many big channels that talk about engeneering, esspecially bridge engeneering. At least not that I know of.
Yea I recommended it to a friend and the reason they didn’t stay was the lack of niche communities. And I get that. You have to have very specific requirements to thrive here
Yea. Once a week is still a LOT
Yes. In my opinion it’s fine that they want to make some money with their unfinished game. Game development is expensive and esspecially for smaller studios early acces is one way to get funds before the game is finished. What I have a problem with is that some early access games are still full price for an unfiniahed game. And a lot worse than that are those games that release as finished games, but that are not in a state you would expect. So basically early access in disguise.
If it shoots towards us it will therfore move away from us
More like mostly fees. Taxes are like $11, while the fees are most of it.
Post here again when you are finished. Looks fun and I want to give it a try :)
It’s weird that I don’t even know if the meat or the vegan hardcores are downvoting me. This place realy has develloped a few hardcore communities that don’t care for stuff like “logic” or “having a real discussion”
Obviously there are exceptions. But in general a vegetarion meal is cheaper in comparison to a meal with beef or something like that. That is true for most meats. So for an “average” meat eater it is cheaper.
The replacemets yes. But vegetarian food is so much more than just replacing meat. It’s cooking completely different meals that taste great without anything meat related. And that absolutely is cheaper that eating meat.
Sadly some of them were just single issue idiots with half a braincell
Do you live near a skiable hill? That sounds great. Been skiing two times this year alread. It realy is thebest way of spending the winter.
Do you live in Russia?