I go to work, enjoy my hobbies, support my family, and drink a lot.
I go to work, enjoy my hobbies, support my family, and drink a lot.
If we wanted to be like Europe culture, we wouldn’t have whooped Europe’s ass.
Well that’s good! I’m pleasantly surprised.
Looks like a cenobite from the latest Hellraiser.
.world ain’t exactly the glass hill to throw stones from yathink?
As nice a thought as that is, you have never been to prison, have you? Convicts aren’t going to give two shits about this guy.
According to the article, he pepper sprayed first.
In some states, you can physically help people off your property, in some states you can’t.
That movie is cursed lol. Mattel had a shit ton of wicked toys produced for the movie. Someone fucked up the website for the movie on the packaging, it was supposed to say VISIT WICKEDMOVIE.COM or something like that… Packaging actually says VISIT WICKED.COM!!! Which is apparently a porn site hahahahahaha.
Besides the hangover? Pretty good.
Just had to ruin a good joke with political whining.
Yeah, the McRib is back tho.
I saw a cybertruck in the rain the other day. I got the hell away from it.
NSFW this shit! Jesus man.
Tourist money is a good thing for poor countries you delusional fuckwit.
I love the Effing petting zoo!
Calvin’s Dad over here.
My best friend back in the day pronounced it WAR-EZ. It was a constant point of contention between us.
This again?