Morrowind was such an amazing experience, it’s one of the games I wish I could experience for the first time again.
Morrowind was such an amazing experience, it’s one of the games I wish I could experience for the first time again.
This exactly! Thank you for posting ahahah
This is one of the best memes I’ve ever seen in my life. It reminds me of the quantum race in Futurama, and the professor says “no fair, they looked at it” (maybe not exact words but the sentiment is there)
I just watched this episode today! Show is is good, I love old adult swim cartoons. I gotta rewatch through Xavier Renegade Angel at some point as well
Holy shit I do this too. Why are we like this?
Another thing I do which frustrates me to no end is trying to pick something up with something else in my hand, making the task of picking said thing up so much harder. I could put the other thing down sure, but life is pain and this is how I am.
LMAO I came here to say something similar. My thinking was maybe someone needs to start blessing you know. Maybe they haven’t been blessed since the release of that song.
This is be best marriage PSA I’ve ever seen. I’ve got a new box to check in the pre marriage checklist now for sure.
This is hysterical! Like, actually high effort guide that’s content is insanely funny. I had a great time reading this. It’s honestly so high quality, I’m geeking out the fact someone made this, and made it so well.
So genocide
I’m halfway through the second, and wow am I enjoying it. Some episodes have super profound plots, and other episodes are super heavy. I love Seth McFarlane’s humor too so it’s a really enjoyable watch for me.
You guys are why I started watching the Orville, bless your souls!
Oh absolutely, I’m just super jazzed that this is a serious conversation that we are having, and that there is real movement on it (however small)
I’m very curious to see how they roll this out. I’m a big advocate for UBI, so this is super uplifting news. I really think this will benefit a lot of people!
Whatever is happening to that dragon behind the wall is very NSFW, but I’m glad they are having a good time at both ends.
It looks cool in the game, but somehow, it looks even cooler in real life.
If you’ve ever heard of WOOFing that’s a great place to start. It’s a work trade program I did years ago, tons of farms around the world. You get room and board, just work the farm for a short term. I traveled across Canada doing that years ago and ended up staying on one for 2 years in the discovery islands off the coast of BC. One of the best times in my life. Now I live in downtown Toronto, wondering why I ever came back ahaha
Listen man, the priests like what they like. Don’t kink shame.
silent cartographer intensifies
“Hey kid, ya wanna be Hortator?” - Harvey Weinstein voice