As a Cali expat in Washington I approve of this.
As a Cali expat in Washington I approve of this.
Might have misattributed the quote, but this was definitely something that the Cult of Skaro said to Cybermen during either the 9th or 10th Doctor runs.
– Dalek Supreme Donald J. Trump
Every package I’ve gotten via DHL was fulfilled by USPS, though. Do they even have the infrastructure to handle their own deliveries?
Having multiple models share the same defect is just being efficient!
The real reason Chekhov helped Khan.
So, what, the genocide has reached the point where further attention from him is no longer necessary?
Man, the timing on this announcement is breathtaking.
More specifically, Typhon getting buried under Mt. Etna was the reason it’s a volcano.
I mean, according to Revelation the faithful spend literally every moment on their knees locked in prayer venerating their god, so…
This is not a problem if you drive at the speed limit. Then what happens is that everyone else, who will be speeding, will continually pass you and thus create more car lengths in front of you. Unless you’re in a no passing zone on a two lane road, in which case they can follow the speed limit for once.
Actually, Rebels is supposed to take place between the Reva show and ANH, and he’s depicted as cartoon Alec Guinness there.
It always amuses me that we’re supposed to believe that in the span of 5 years Obi-wan goes from looking like Ewan McGregor to looking like Alec Guinness.
Texas choosing to not execute a man (for now)? Surprising, but not unwelcome.
In a response to that petition, the Texas Attorney General’s Office said Roberson had failed to prove his “actual innocence,” and that the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals had ruled Nikki’s injuries were “inconsistent with a short fall from a bed or complications from a virus.”
That’s… not how the burdern of proof works at all?
The article doesn’t make it sound like the direction he’s actually taking, but he could potentially sue for defamation, since they’re attributing the messages to him, which he denies is true, and the messages have had a pretty apparent negative effect on him. Seems like he’s suing for leaking his PII instead though, so I guess he’s doubling down on the notion that someone apparently went through a lot of effort to fake everything.
Wouldn’t mind getting the final act of the Aenid. C’mon Virgil, I believe in you!
…Wow, what a moron.
Well, this has no online component, so hopefully it won’t end up like Battlefront Classic.
That’s a failure to download the installers to begin with, not them being taken away from you after the fact.
Man, I was just thinking last night that at least Pelosi never publicly capitulated like this, and then realized how absurd it was that I was yearning for the good old days of fucking Pelosi.