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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2024


  • He can only pardon federal crimes. In most states, governor’s can pardon state crimes … some states have different processes and some don’t allow it at all.

    Pardoning is typically also an admission of guilt…ie you’re guilty of the crime, but your sentence is completed, so you still have it on your record.

    With that said, I have absolutely zero clue how all that works with these blanket pardons where they’re just given out to thousands of people at once.

  • @AbraNidoran@beehaw.org already took care of what SMART means and is good for, so, I’ll address what the spirit of your message instead.

    For me, _almost _nothing in my house phones back anywhere with telemetry. Sure, anything that uses WiFi needs the network to run, but almost nothing has access to the actual internet because it’s on a VLAN that specifically blocks internet access.

    If you plan out the equipment you buy, you can ensure it’s safe (the absolute easiest way to do that would be to only buy z-wave or zigbee equipment since by design that’s a completely offline ecosystem, unless you buy a controller for it that requires the internet). With WiFi, I basically only buy stuff that can be flashed to ESPHOME, which removes its online requirements and puts a completely different firmware on the devices … this is more work than most people would want to do though, but you can always buy devices that were already flashed by someone else. IIRC, there are even some devices that come that way from the factory and use ESPHOME as an option. Or, they’re devices where I bought the sensors and microcontrollers and wired them up myself and put ESPHOME on the microcontroller.

    For me, I love walking into a room and the lights turning on. If it’s night, the lights are red to not jolt me awake. Later in the night, they’re dim and a bit more orangey rather than bright white. These are QOL improvements that I would not want to go back to not having.

    My garage doesn’t have any of the standard RF “clickers”/4-digit-code-panels connected because they’re garbage, but I have a relay sitting on it that I can remotely trigger and open the garage. I have motion sensors so that if no one has been in the garage for the last 5 minutes and the door is open, it’ll close the garage door (this was because people kept forgetting it was open.) I have sensors to let me know when the windows are open at the same time as the heating/air conditioning to try and prevent burning money. None of this is internet enabled, but it is controllable over my network and my network is accessible over my VPN.

    If the humidity is high in the bathrooms, it assumes someone is taking a shower and turns on the exhaust fans if they’re not already on. This can help prevent mold from growing. There are some real benefits to things being smart and I do 100% agree with you that apps that send data to companies on when we’re home/away and all that are BAD, but, if you plan ahead you can have your cake and eat it too, but the number of choices for equipment you’ll have will be lower, but at least your stuff will keep working regardless of internet access and regardless of whether the company that made the equipment is still around or not.

  • I have my bathroom fan turn on if the lid has been open more than 45 seconds … some things you just don’t (yet) know you need to be smart :-D

    For me, all of our lights are smart (some bulbs with smart switches that talk to the smart bulbs and some just smart switches), but, everything needs to be able to function like it’s dumb … nothing needs an app to function. The wall switches will function as expected … home assistant adds additional functionality, voice commands add extra functionality, but, it all works as you’d reasonably expect it to if you just go and hit the wall switch.

  • Thank You! They intentionally served the coffee hotter than their cups were even rated for all to minimize people getting refills and it was well documented by their own employees that people were getting hurt as a result.

    The person filing the lawsuit only wanted their medical bills covered. The JURY decided to go punitive and instead gave like 2 days of coffee profits instead (NOTE: The judge then said ‘fuck that’ and reduced the punitive amount down to ~25% of the amount the jury decided on … or 3x what they medical bills came out to because actually _punishing _ a company isn’t allowed).

    McDonalds’ smear campaign against this poor woman has been so disgustingly successful.

  • Right‽ Gotta love when people think that their opinion is the only one that matters.

    Dude is making one board that’ll work for as many situations as possible and letting you decide what you want to do with it (and it’s right there in the name - future proof!), but somehow that is honestly too much.

    For myself, I like having options.

    Also, the official HA hardware also has an expansion port on it, think this guy complained about having that on there as being too much?