I got it for like £30 on the MS Store and it included The Hobbit as well.
Just a simple man trying to make his way in the Universe
I got it for like £30 on the MS Store and it included The Hobbit as well.
I get an update almost every day
Or you can use Downloader if you use an Amazon TV device. (Screw you Google for removing Downloader)
iOS is far too simplistic for me. Plus android has had so many cool features and experimental phones (like my fave phone of all time, the Galaxy S4) and your not limited to the Apple design philosophy. If you want a curved phone, you can get one, want one with a taller profile, you can get one.
If you’re still unsure, do what I used to do when I did PC gaming. Pirate it, and if you like it after say 2 hours, then buy it! I do wish more game companies did free 10 or 5 hours trials like EA do.
GTA V. I tried playing it but it was just so boring. I never felt like picking if back up after I stopped playing around 15% into the story. The online never worked for me as it would just endlessly be stuck on a loading screen [PC].
On the F1 games, me and my brother used to drive backwards to crash everyone out and make it so we were the only 2 drivers left.
You can do some homebrew stuff on it if you buy Dev Mode access for £15
I’ve actually found it to br far better than reddit, mostly because 99% of reddit posts these days are bot reposts of an jmage that’s been cycled a LOT