I’ve seen a couple of things that I wish I hadn’t, but I never opened a link to a beheading video. That was definitely one line I wasn’t willing to cross.
I’ve seen a couple of things that I wish I hadn’t, but I never opened a link to a beheading video. That was definitely one line I wasn’t willing to cross.
Weirdly enough, I like buying movies to encourage people to keep making the kinds of movies I enjoy watching. I have some physical media, but often times you can’t find 4k versions of movies on physical media.
Also, I tend to buy digital and don’t watch subscription services much.
On the rare occasion I want to stream movies while on my PC at 1080p, because most online movie services will only stream 1080p to Edge. Some times Chrome will be allowed to stream 1080p but it’s pretty hit or miss in my experience. On another note, basically no streaming services will stream movies to you in 4k on a PC, I’ve also found most streaming apps on my phone won’t give me 4k either, you can only really get 4k streaming to a smart TV… it’s pretty ridiculous.
There is such thing as loose leaf tea where you don’t use tea bags when brewing.
After a bit further reading of the article it looks like they also found that certain types of tea bags helped.
Only using even numbers for volume or brightness.
Can 5 be an honorary even number?
I may have to finally make the switch. Are there any initial pains that you found from switching?
I think what they are maybe trying to convey is that when you’re lost in the throes of schizophrenia you aren’t exactly operating on valid logic so it’s hard to even realize that you are doing the things that you are doing. If that makes any sense.
From my understanding most of the pills you would take to calm you down take time to start working, like weeks to a month or more to fully do their work, so you can’t really take them in the manner that you are wanting.
I will say that I’m not expert by any means and I have have no first hand experience with the types of drugs used to treat the diagnosis you described, but I do read on such topics and have talked with friends that are on these sorts of medications about their experiences with them. So I’d defer to a doctor or other people with a similar history to yours if their experiences say different.
I suppose when considering taking medication that you have to weigh the negative side effects against the amount of negativity these outbursts cause you in the long run. Sadly, it’s also hard to say how any one medicine might effect you ahead of time, because these medicines are known to effect people quite differently even coming down to the exact dosage you might need vs what another person might need.
I hope you can find something that works for you, keep at it!
They should probably move that information to the top so it at least primes readers ahead of time. Either way, I still feel like this system they are defining has to have some sort of centralized verification agency/group and I don’t really know how you can do that and not potentially be open for abuse or corruption. Alternatively, I also don’t know how you can verifiy an individual is who they say they are and aren’t creating fake/bot accounts in a decentralized manner either, these are very hard problems to solve and I don’t know if this paper touches on any ideas as to how to solve them, but it would be interesting to hear from the author on those topics.
Again, interesting read and thanks for sharing it, I think it’s important for people to be thinking about how to approach problems like this in a digital age sooner rather than later.
Maybe it’s because I couldn’t get through reading all of this, but my initial skimming leads me to believe this would be hard to fully protect against abuse. It also feels like that at least in the beginning there would be a lot of centralized power and that doesn’t feel great to me.
There are also a lot of grammar mistakes that made it hard for me to read, I’m admittedly not a great writer, but it was causing me to stumble while reading and made me question if this paper had even been edited or proofread by anyone.
All that said, it’s definitely an interesting thought experiment.
Calling the office of the Attorney General in your state would be a good place to start. Also contacting the people in your state’s houses of Congress as well as the ones at the federal level.
Hoping to see my state added to the list, they’ve been filling suits on a lot of other issues as well, but sometimes seem to be a little delayed.
It’s not much different than if you were to go to a business that buys and sells gold. They’ll have the current market rate on display and for video games eBay is a decent place to look for the market rate. With retro games there may at least be a bit of lag if they have prices directly on the games and not do something shady like looking up current prices at checkout.
What you said is definitely a problem though. The person selling a game should look at recent sold copies over the past 6ish months and consider the physical quality of the game in question to determine a price better; I don’t think a lot of shops put much time or thought into this aspect of it.
I don’t really know how you could do it any other way when retro games are a finite resource that isn’t being produced any more.
Can we stop referring to him as becoming a king? Let’s call it what it truly is that he’s trying to become, a dictator.
Exactly what I had in mind when I wrote my original comment.
It’s like mob tactics, once you pay for protection they’ll just keep coming back asking for more until you’re bled dry, then they’ll dispose of you.
In the past, maybe, but I feel like with the current ruling party having all branches of government under their control that they will become more and more blatant and just expect pardons or the USSC to let them off. It’s not like Republicans would actually impeach and remove anyone on their own team.
Edit: grammar
Bad part about this is the damage will have already been done by the time they realize it.
Good to know, thanks for sharing that article!
Are you me? This is almost exactly how I do it, with only some small modifications.