I’ve got a g31 which I’ve had for about a year, and the only thing I don’t really like about it is the lack of custom ROMs and stuff like that
I’ve got a g31 which I’ve had for about a year, and the only thing I don’t really like about it is the lack of custom ROMs and stuff like that
I’m pretty sure the amount of people under the age of 18 who use the fediverse is very small. Feels like it’s mostly a bunch of 30+ years old communists
I mean, it’s a great game. Sure, it was published in a far too buggy state, but story and gameplay wise it is fantastic
Alright, so I’ve not really looked into this a lot since it doesn’t really concern me at all, but shouldn’t the Hamas also be considered a bad bunch of people too? It really seems like an ESH situation to me…
Exactly! I couldn’t imagine even getting out of my room after I wake up without putting my glasses on
Como is such a beautiful place! Me and my family went there for vacation this summer and it was one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been to
If you ask how to build a bomb and it tells you, wouldn’t Mozilla get in trouble?
Yes. (Sweden)
Does anyone know what the reason for this is?
Would work for roughly 4 months every year lol
Why is it bad from a privacy perspective?
I’m 16 and live in Sweden. I know how to drive bikes with manual transmissions and I can manage driving a car with a manual transmission.
Swedish would be muu, but close enough