As an XRay tech, I have taken an image of a butt-plug (with flared base) that got lost up there.
I don’t know what was involved in getting out. But the docs did get it out before asking for another image 7 hours later.
As an XRay tech, I have taken an image of a butt-plug (with flared base) that got lost up there.
I don’t know what was involved in getting out. But the docs did get it out before asking for another image 7 hours later.
I’m not much of a sitcom fan. They’re rarely clever or supriseing. They feel like they write themselves in the most obvious way. And because of that they mostly bore me.
All that being said. Lower Decks nothing different.
I binged the whole series in the last month. Just finished the last episode this morning. And almost laguhed for the first time, when ransom said “Engage the core!” I didn’t laugh. But it did get a smile out of me. Now it’s over. And I can forget whatever it was I was talking about.
Any odds their next release is a PlayStation exclusive for 2 years?
Absolute madness is the best kind of madness!
The Quick Settings toggles are the simplest option.
Frezik was talking about the $100K, not the $11K.
There’s no identifiable info on the ballot.
The ballots themselves are available to be recounted if necessary.
If we’re not talking actual cognitive disability, like needing to live with some form of caretaker. Then that’s kinda fucked up.
This isn’t what you’re asking, but it is what you need to know right now.
If you’re having trouble with what DSLR, F-Stop, and ISO mean; You’re putting the cart before the horse. It won’t matter what camera you get, because you won’t know how to use it. The “right” camera for you at this point, will be the cheapest manually controlled digital camera you can get your hands on. Something used, that has an instruction/user manual for you can learn it’s specific controls. Then go online and find tutorials about how cameras work generally, and experiment yourself with your camera. Then if you can’t get the kinds of pictures you want, do more research about those specific kinds of pictures. After a while, you’ll know what your camera isn’t giving you, and be able to find which camera will.
Ente is trying to be an end to end encrypted version of GooglePhotos.
I think you may have misunderstood what I meant by inverting the mount. You need to invert the camera with it.
Then you can easily point it down 10-20°, away from the sky.
The camera should automatically rotate the video 180° for you. Even if it doesn’t, that’s super easy to do in any editing software.
I’m assuming you can’t invert the mount on the helmet. Reverseing the cam so it’s higher but pointing down, may work without any new parts.
If you can invert the mount, that may be the best.
Or to answer your direct question. Maybe “GoPro mount extension.”
“Everything in moderation.” Too much of anything is bad. Including agreement.
Any group with similar ideas inevitably moves tward the most extreme form of that idea over time. Without people who disagree, that are able pull on the Overton Window preventing it’s movement too far, the group will become out of touch with reality.
So yah, echo chambers breed extremist views. And are a bad thing. Disagreement and debate is an important part of mental health for everyone.
That would be permanent Daylight Savings, not eliminating it.
Though I’m not sure he or many others know the difference.
It’s unclear so far, how much he specifically has.
His family however, is quite wealthy.
It’s already too anoying to deal with.
Splitting the difference would be slightly easier, since it stops changing at arbitrary days of the year.
That’s what I was thinking.
I’m pretty sure FUTO isn’t the only one either.
This doesn’t seem like new tech.
None of that will help. We’re way past that.
Not sure that matters. There should still be some time for knowingly making false statmentsto the police.
XKCD #1053