Lololololololololol fuck right pretending there’s any nuance.
It’s fascism plain and simple
Lololololololololol fuck right pretending there’s any nuance.
It’s fascism plain and simple
STFU you worthless fascist
All conservatives are disgusting excuses for human beings, all of em
“while spewing right wing propaganda”
Look, reason my ass
Lololololololololol, bad look.
How about literally right wing propaganda
Ok Trumper.
Lololololololololol, just pure lies and bullshit, not one fact, literally the opposite of reality
Imagine being so fucking brainwashed you believe Republicans are for “the little guy”
Lololol “both sides”
Lololol, found a Russian troll
Nailed it
Lololol “both sides”
Lololol, what a fucking worthless right wing rant
Not the case, they still get 100mpge + so they’re always better
“hurr de durr, it’s not fully clean, derp”
Ok Trumper
A venn diagram of Trumpers and people who believe gas cars are cleaner is a circle
Since when TF did everyone decide cheating is fine and anti cheat is bad?!?
The only thing right wingers love more than hating on strong women is hating on them for for their political views
Nope, fuck that, Trump and all his supporters are Republican