I would say salad fingers is unsettling on its nose. Its whole thing is to be as unsettling as possible. Don’t hug me I’m scared tricks you into thinking it’s wholesome before slowly becoming more and more creepy.
I would say salad fingers is unsettling on its nose. Its whole thing is to be as unsettling as possible. Don’t hug me I’m scared tricks you into thinking it’s wholesome before slowly becoming more and more creepy.
My fav sun fact is that it burns 400 million tons of hydrogen each second, and will be doing that for billions of years. That’s 400 million tons of the lightest possible element there is. Just absolutely insane how gigantic the mass of the sun is.
That’s the joke…
China has been doing that for years. They have invested heavily into African countries and built tons of infrastructure there that they then claim they own if the country defaults on debts.
The difference being that a lot of millennials know how to figure out how to do stuff on computers by doing basic research. I’ve found a lot of my Gen-z friends to be more helpless in that regard.
I’m so pissed it looks like any other Hollywood action flick. Why can’t they just make one based on the mood that these artworks give off? I don’t need another run of the mill action movie.
The hardest years are still ahead of you. I have ADHD and was undiagnosed until junior year of high school. I was doing amazing in school until things started getting hard enough that I couldn’t just rely on my current knowledge and had to actually study. Make sure she develops strong study/organizational habits now before she gets into high school, because that’s when things can really start to fall apart. It sounds like you are already doing a great job, and more than my parents did at that age, so you might have far less of an issue.
You can buy one printer and make a labs worth of microscopes for a school or business.
And all of the money they have is still dwarfed in comparison to only 400 people. I’m not saying their wealth isn’t extravagant but most actors didn’t receive their wealth from exploiting millions of working class people.
That’s a hilarious take seeing as most of “the elite” want us to completely ignore it and act like it doesn’t exist.
I’m amazed no one has mentioned Susie/Eddie Izzard yet. Their sets are rather old at this point so I shouldn’t be too surprised, but they are all great and I highly recommend them, especially if you are into history at all.
Light cones aren’t exactly literal cones of time, they are an abstraction to help us understand the mathematics of time and space. (Assuming you are talking about Penrose diagrams.)
Yes? Do you think all the people in every magazine you’ve seen, or product advertisement, was rich? It’s rare for a model to actually be rich, usually modeling has to be a side gig that they can use to support themselves, it’s rarely a full time job.
Boeing has like 40% of the commercial airline market. It being a Boeing plane does not automatically mean it’s Boeing’s fault. Now I won’t defend Boeing here, they’re a shell of their former self and a piece of shit manufacturer nowadays. But this plane was made like 15 years ago. It could easily be up to maintenance from the airline, or other circumstances like bird strike.
Is that including all known deposits? Or just the amount in current mines?
I feel like it’s even bigger than that. Since the AI boom it’s become increasingly clear that our society has completely devalued humanity as a social concept. Companies acting like it’s terrible to ever interact with another human. Schools acting like teaching is something to be automated. Dating apps trying to integrate AI to message people for you. Our society is going insane.
Seriously. Teachers aren’t just some machines spewing out lessons. They are meant to be a trusted adult in a kids life. Someone they can learn social norms from and someone they can go to if they need an adult they can trust that isn’t their parents. I can foresee kids who go to this school having a much harder time getting away from abusive parents.
I assumed he meant women who had previously worked at Amazon
You might be waking up in a more ideal spot in your REM cycle. For me if I get 6 ½ hours I feel great but I feel like shit if I get a full 8. But if I sleep 9 I feel pretty good again. If you wake up and get interrupted during REM you’ll feel a lot more groggy and like shit for most of the day in my experience.
That’s a poor excuse that doesn’t justify anything.