Over/under on months before spacex is manufacturing missles to arm these groups?
Over/under on months before spacex is manufacturing missles to arm these groups?
CEOs are identifying as cats and demanding litter boxes to shit in during meetings. And a guy I know has a sister that told him she heard that somewhere.
Do you think he has a “Behind me stands Blackgate Prison” speech prepared?
I heard from the wife of a guy I know that most CEOs are identifying as cats now and demanding to use litter boxes in the board room… Uh, it’s so woke and DEI and really just such a Marxist socialist CRT, Uh!
“Look, I’m no musk/trump fan, BUT…”
Always the start of a quality comment.
Night man, ahhEHHHahhhhh!!!
South Korea wasn’t in a cult for that leader AND what he asked for was essentially what… Something that equated to the build up to January 6th, without even a January 6th style failed coup attempt to show for it.
No, they did what we should have. We failed.
We have two IT guys, one of them is three of these and the other is the fourth. The guy who is all three is actually the anime girl on VR Chat in his spare time :)
Subscribe and we reserve the right to throttle flush speed/volume after 6pm.
Standard app doesn’t cover diarrhea or menstruation - those are luxury secretions for our plus members
I had to go to a private Christian school in third grade - not because we were religious, we were not, but because gang violence was getting serious in my town and the private school was seen as the safe option my mom decided on for a year even though we couldn’t afford it.
Again, not religious, but Christian school meant we had to go to “Chapel” every day - Sing bible songs and get the typical religious indoctrination. Anywho… In the chapel, there was a giant rectangular speaker box suspended up at the center of the ceiling. Not sure how but with all the talk of Jesus dying for your sins and everything, I became convinced that that speaker box was his coffin. I thought he was there, suspended above us, every day at Chapel in our little school
“I’m with stupid” shirts
“Tactical” products and brain “vitamins”
War on Griftmas!!!
Brett Stephens is here!
What if Luigi was acquitted and launched a startup that sold guillotines at cost…
Also, your fixation here is on pennies and not dollars. Large systems account for waste and allow for less precise action. They do that because they know that enables less logistical slowdown on average and overall they will be more successful in big picture.
As you grow, you’ll learn to focus on broad strategy and not get lost in fixation on individual tactics. Set good policy and allow people room within to figure it out - without a bummer of a nag in middle management meandering around trying to save pennies at the cost of dollars to justify their existence.
Doesn’t matter what you think really though, right? These businesses operate on measurable KPIs and if overall thresholds weren’t being hit, something would happen.
If you were a manager with that attitude, you’d be a micro manager and we all know that that type of manager, in any sector, SUCKS.
Yes, and speaking to quality in this case is not about individual performances, it’s about overall quality of outcome. Are you familiar with Pareto?
Stop fixating on Janice in accounting scrolling facebook and how you feel slighted by her or Derek in operations who shows up 30 minutes late to meetings. The bigger machine on government side works most of the time, with transparent accountability, on that side, in the case of insurance, it emotionlessly kills people for profit on the other.
Read fully in their voice and sticatto lyric style as… 🎶 “And den I get ta care full her knee ahh!!!” 🎶
This seems like a great machine to create republican voters, purposefully undereducated and perpetually frightened - the school to joe rogan pipeline
Imagine the AMAZING individuals that must make up this group.
The cancer that had metastasized to all systems