May I introduce you to SCION future internet architecture
But lunduke doesn’t hate Linux. Only the fact that women are using it.
Of those I’be personally tried, certainly chimera linux or mageia
You can actually get the terminal output from your game by setting the launch options to
command% 2>&1 > /tmp/log.txt
Which will write the terminal output of the game to the file /tmp/log.txt
Tbh I can recommend nobara linux. For gaming especially it’s often nice to have access to recent drivers / proton versions. But maybe that’s not even relevant in your case.
Visit Wizard man, man know elvish, wizard bestow several names, Sivecano one of them.
The knife of equality
People calling themselves anarchists seem to reliably be less of a red flag than when they call themselves communists.
I think there’s a lot of sentiment to sympathize with and a lot of ideas to learn about.
Implementation of anarchism seems hard and maybe sometimes a bit naïve, but on the other hand I don’t actually understand the specifics nor is there any one opinion.
Anarvhism refers to a vlass of ideologies moreso than any one in specific.