I wonder if Elon is a follower of Ayn Rand?
I wonder if Elon is a follower of Ayn Rand?
I can feeeel it!
What about gravity? I know I read something about this once, but is gravity also limited to the speed of light?
Anybody make a shoot the evil CEO game yet? I would also accept that.
I had a cute girl knock on my door once and come into my apartment. She then tried to get me to join some weird cult she was in and I had trouble getting her to leave.
Don’t forget the Baltimore dog, Esskay hotdog in a bun with mustard, ketchup and chopped onions, then tell everyone how much better they are in New York.
Not sure about the laws wording, but if it is open source just create a branch with a different name.
No (though I would not put it past him), bird flu is coming.
For now. How long do you think that is going to last?
Does he work for Nvidia? Seems out of character for him.
Are boycotts illegal? In this case I doubt there was an organized attempt, just some companies making individual business decisions. But even if Twitter can prove there was a boycott, is there a law against that?
Heavy drinking really ages you.
A phone call allows people to hold a conversation. All the others are just correspondence.
One thing I always wonder, who or what are they saluting? I mean, Hitler and the 3rd Reich are long dead. It can’t be used as a secret society sign, since everybody knows it. Maybe it is like a rattle snakes rattle, stay away, I am bad!
Maryland checking in from east central (mideast just did not sound right).
Ediacaran: These kids with there exoskeletons and eyes, think they’re so cool.
Or even just smell nice?
Looks like much of the northern hemisphere does not trust TickTok.
Maybe, but I was thinking In Living Color.
Check-in rejected during code review. If you can’t summarize what you are doing, then you don’t really understand it. You may have to edit the comments after you have worked on it a bit and have a better understanding.