Could be fun! I’ve been enjoying the original on my Analogue Pocket. I’m glad the kept the horrifying portraits lol… They’re endearing.
Could be fun! I’ve been enjoying the original on my Analogue Pocket. I’m glad the kept the horrifying portraits lol… They’re endearing.
I fully agree but disagree at the same time. I think the better way to look at it is that now the end user has a choice. I grew up with emulation and the actual console, and appreciate both approaches. I have a snes, a CRT, as well as a flat screen tv with a scaler. I like being able to choose how I can experience it; like I said, I like both. While it may not be end user accurate, it’s really cool knowing there’s an option for people wanting those crisp pixels.
Perfect NPC names for a soulslike game
A little different, but I do a lot of random 3D printing related stuff on my computer including CAD. I got one of those small ultra wide monitors meant for a raspberry pi, and put it under my main monitor. I run rain meter widgets on it for time, media control, etc. I also throw videos and stuff on there for while I’m working. It’s been pretty sweet! I can use solidworks on top, and have a little video working on the bottom, and have a clock easily visible for time management.
There’s also Matamoros… Which is Moor killer :/
Oh no! That’s horrible! But where is it? So that I can avoid downloading it?