Oh so this is teleportation?
Oh so this is teleportation?
It’ll wait until Trump comes in the declare martial law, allowing him to bypass future elections until resolved… Or some bullshit.
Except they do. They still get pay and the government still processes revenue. The government shutdowns have been, “we aren’t doing shit for you, but you still have to pay up!”
I wish that were the case but from experience, it isn’t.
Except they still expect us to pay in while they do jack shit.
Fuck. So much truth here. I can’t even think of a thing to add.
Don’t Republicans hate TikTok? I’m confused.
It’s the privacy
I’ve done things that are amazing and smiled while I’m doing them. I’ve had tons of fun, but it’s like… Immediately after, you just feel empty. It’s like being starving and eating potato chips, they’re not filling but taste great.
I typically don’t but I have an iPad from being in aviation and gave it to my little one. The app ForeFlight isn’t available on Android. They have a Garmin one but it just isn’t the same.
I’m so tired of ads everywhere. I ad block at so many avenues. How do we crack an iPad to get rid of app ads? Is that possible?
“ThAtS tHe JoB oF tHe PaReNtS, nOt ThE gOvErNmEnT”
I’d moove
Was it an employee or a bystander/customer? I’m confused.
Real question, do we have a surplus if we take out community housing options like apartments? Would everyone be able to have their own house?
But it says it’s teleportation. Are you calling them a liar?