This is exactly how I learned all those years ago, and to this day, I still use vim regularly. As in, literally, I was using it on a server this morning to make some changes. It’s just become natural to me now.
Horror author from New England. Principal engineer. Active HWA, Codex member.
Co-founder, Rocky Linux and the Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation.
This is exactly how I learned all those years ago, and to this day, I still use vim regularly. As in, literally, I was using it on a server this morning to make some changes. It’s just become natural to me now.
IMO it’s fine to just make a post about it in one of the larger communities that seems appropriate. Now is exactly the time for us to promote one another! And Lemmy doesn’t have an algorithm, so you’re going to have to do some leg work to get the word out. I think people will be appreciative and understanding of that, I would be.
I want Lemmy to succeed, I want to be optimistic about it as an alternative to Reddit, but OP is correct, and we need to be honest about this very simple fact:
The Reddit we knew and loved is gone, and that’s a sad, tragic thing, and there likely won’t be a 1:1 replacement for a long time, if ever.
It’s okay to admit to ourselves that this whole situation sucks, because it absolutely does. That doesn’t mean that we can’t enjoy Lemmy and other federated things like it, and it doesn’t mean that federation doesn’t have advantages over Reddit, but let’s be honest: most of us were happy at Reddit, using our favorite 3rd party app (like Apollo), and we wouldn’t be here if the admins weren’t happy to kill what we once loved.
All we can do is try to make the best of it.
Sure, I’ll give it a go, thank you for thinking of me. The whole bullshit with Twitter and now Reddit has me feeling pretty burned on corporate-owned social media, so I’m likely to stick with federated things like Masto, Lemmy, etc., but I’ll give it a go. I am curious about it. I wonder why they’re leaning so hard on the waitlist thing? They’re losing precious adoption time, as people are right now wanting to move away from Twitter. Or rather, they have been wanting that for months, so there may already be a lot of lost opportunity re: user attention or interest.
Aww but I like the Ivory app :( I was hoping for the same thing others are here—subscribe to a Lemmy community and have posts show up in my Masto feed, then click to see comments.
It’s worth opening a GitHub issue for. Maybe it isn’t that hard to do. Might even look at the code myself to see…
I couldn’t say, they’re closed to new users. I’ve been on the wait list for a long time, but no joy.
I’m skeptical that it ultimately won’t just turn into Twitter 2.0
What’s also interesting to observe is that the vast majority of the comments here have been respectful, considerate, helpful, and constructive. Maybe I got too used to the massive user base of children that Reddit had, and no hate for the younger crowd, but I did miss the maturity that early days Reddit had and subsequently lost.
I know this opinion is wildly unpopular, but I think pirating is unethical. If you can’t afford something, or you disagree with spending money for it, then fine. Don’t watch that show/listen to that song/play that game. But the people who make things deserve to get paid. It’s not right to refuse to pay for something while also consuming that content. Many of the justifications for pirating just feel like entitlement to me.
I like that Lemmy and Masto don’t have those fucking algorithms. It’s a relief.
Going out especially is insane. I’m not terribly far off from Hartford, CT, and no matter where we go, if my wife and I go out just for two drinks total, one for each of us, we’re not walking out of there without spending less than $25 or even $30. That’s just fucking wild to me. If we want to have dinner–two mains, one shared app, one drink each–we’re looking at at least $100 to $120, and that’s just to any random place, not a high-end eatery or anything. And every single place will hand you a little Square thing or whatever with tip suggestions that start at 18% and go up to 25%.
It’s not just tech companies like Reddit and Twitter, it seems like it’s most companies. Ever since the COVID lockdowns prices have been going through the roof, you get less for what you pay for, they’re laying off workers, and all while raking in record profits while also crying about how no one wants to work and how they can’t afford anything because of the economy. I’ve never been more cynical about companies than I have been the last year.
That’s helpful to think of it that way, thank you. Perhaps I will reconsider :)
I’m interested in getting into this, but I think I’d probably end up abandoning it and having it feel like a chore, then feel guilty about not getting it ‘done.’
I’ll admit that it looks cool, but man…I just have a hard time seeing how that could possibly be functional.