Doesn’t have to be good to be successful.
Doesn’t have to be good to be successful.
You say this but it’s hardly just the south that voted for trump. As you mentioned, the butterfly effect could have changed things dramatically. Things still could have turned out worse for everyone.
Though things are pretty crap now so I can definitely relate to your thought process.
They said they barely know vba. So it’s probably the integration into MS tools.
Oh, 2 M’s touch.
To be fair, most people don’t see that pile in their day to day.
I’m pretty sure there’s an open space in the picture 3 or 4 cars down. Either way, there were better decisions they could make
Which makes taking notes while the video is playing basically impossible
I’ve gotten a ton of free games on epic but I’m pretty sure I’ve yet to buy a game on there.
Don’t the numbers indicate the opposite is happening. I fear for my children because I know they are loving and caring.
Most of our neighborhood sits outside with the candy and to hang out and see everyone’s costumes. They make it very obvious they’re handing out candy so when it’s knock houses, we’re less likely to go
Right, but you had to do it for her. Not a huge deal, but still something nonetheless.
I’m guessing the majority of those people barely know how to work a computer.
For example, I’m either going to need to swap my mother’s computer over to something Linux or give her something supported. Not currently sure which but since everything is web based anyways, I think Linux would be ok for her.
If it were up to her, she will use it well out of support before buying a new laptop.
Windows 10 still works fine and a lot of what 11 disqualified was perfectly capable hardware.
I know! It’d be great if it were a better sized SSD (not SD soldered) and more memory. The processor is sufficient so it feels like a waste.
That said, I did use it in college so I did get use out of it.
I have an atom Asus transformer with 2gb of ram that can run but not much else. Any good 32 bit distros I can look into? Realistically I think much of the mainstream web browsers are becoming too heavy also, which is what I would primarily use and might be more of my problem.
Not sure what height has to do with anything.
He’s a narcissist with delusions of grandeur and doesn’t know when to give up. He’s set both Russia and Ukraine back significantly with little to show for it so far.
Putin deserves to lose.
You’re supposed to shoot against the wind.
I do not.
I worked at a mcd’s for a period… I’m genuinely not sure I could find any proof, but I did work there.
And catboys! We can be equal opportunity here.