Wanna swap friends? Mine keep torturing themselves with league lmao
Wanna swap friends? Mine keep torturing themselves with league lmao
Must’ve missed the part where Gandalf started 3 wars
Slaves don’t get paid
Could be Russia too, could be Ukraine too
What’s not sensible about nuclear power?
What are these trippy cuddle parties and where can one find them?
Asking for a friend obviously
Can somebody explain to me how this is misogynistic? It just seems like a distasteful joke…
According to the article it’ll be opt-out for “some accounts” on the receiving side. God only knows what they mean by that
Food insecurity and starvation? Brother I much prefer working 5 minutes for a loaf of bread rather than queueing half a day to hopefully get 2 slices
Wow, what an interesting technology this is!
Wow, what an interesting technology this is!
Wow, what an interesting technology this is!
Soo who said cars didn’t have a useful purpose?
No can do sir, one might start thinking freely
So we shouldn’t use a piece of software because the guy behind it isn’t woke enough? That’s crazy
Any song by Dua Lipa