iPhones are really popular over there. Most people have one. For teenagers it’s something ridiculous like 85% of them using an iPhone. In Europe we have a more balanced split, so only using iMessage wouldn’t fly here.
iPhones are really popular over there. Most people have one. For teenagers it’s something ridiculous like 85% of them using an iPhone. In Europe we have a more balanced split, so only using iMessage wouldn’t fly here.
Google search is available on apple devices though. Same with stuff like Gmail. Imagine if YouTube didn’t have an app for iOS and you had to use the browser. That would be worse for consumers, but Google could use it as a way to force people into Android. That’s what Apple is doing with iMessage and the whole phone ecosystem is worse because of it, whether you care or not.
Best handheld of all time IMHO
The point is that, unlike kerosene, hydrogen can be made using clean energy
I should’ve added patents as well. They both have a purpose, which is to compensate creators and researchers. Although I agree with that purpose, imagine how much further society could progress if we could freely build upon each others creations, as soon as they come out. I believe medicine, technology, and art would benefit immensely. The ones who benefit the most from patents and copyright are for profit corporations anyways. It seems like the whole thing works against society, rather than for it.
Fish, it just works. Customization is super simple and has a really nice webui if you’re into that sort of stuff. Plugins are easy to install with fisher. Out of the box it’s very ergonomic and you don’t have to deal with tons of scripts that may need debugging. Custom shell functions take 2 seconds to set up. Scripts use a shebang to specify the shell they run in, so you shouldn’t have any issues with that. Whenever I absolutely need to run a command with bash, I just switch to it, do what I need to do, and hop back to fish. Highly recommend, haven’t looked back since I started using it a few years ago :)
What if the perfect distro were the configs we made along the way?