No - it’s “Hi! How are you?”
Orange man indeed doesn’t care.
It’s the people whispering in his ear that are pushing their brand of Christianity™ to positions of power.
Scam emails are deliberately littered with spelling mistakes, a comprehensible scam email is a bad scam email - because the addition of spelling mistakes guarantees that the gullible and scamable folks responds to it. Do you want to scam the general populace w/o a human reading response emails? There’s phishing for that.
Lucky patcher meaning rooted phone?
The most
openoperating system
Just look at all the operating it does
Sell their houses to whom, Ben? Fucking Aquamen?
Is powershell “legacy”?
OK, I’ve read the wiki entry but I still don’t understand what KVM is, or why it’s needed. The last time I visited a data center - every server rack came with a laptop-esque looking control unit. What problem does KVM comes to solve? What does this invention improve upon a traditional KVM?
“Show my ad to hornly lonely 13 y/o that suffer from Tourette”
“Here is a list of 13 y/o that suffer from Tourette”
One of these options is less profitable for an ad network in the long run.
But cracking ed25519, or RSA , is something that state actors can’t do without massive resources… What am I missing here?
Even if I reverse engineer Linux, I can’t know the decryption keys for my encrypted data…
Are you saying that HDCP is not “Secured” but “Jumbled up”? If tomorrow the source code for it get released - then “The jig is up”?
alias johnny="git checkout"
johnny -b goode
Morse to QR code my gentleman.
“You disrespect me when you use the word BUY when you mean RENT, I’ll show you the same disrespect by denying you any monetary gain that you normally get from ghosting your customers”
Sometimes I wish I could have the skills to hack these websites - change every “Buy” to “Rent”, add a " Why am I seeing this?" and then explain that the transaction is for “Digital key revocable at any time by (insert scummy corporate here)”.
Then I’ll happily laugh and watch their profits drop , while they try to publish a statement defending their position.
They can’t give a reward for a “oh shit we’re running out of hedge fund money, we need to stay solvent , let’s sell out our user’s data”
I’d just like to interject for a moment. What you’re refering to as GNU, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, LINUX plus GNU. GNU is just one replacable suite of libraries ,not an operating system unto itself. It is but another free component of a fully functioning Linux system made useful by the vastly complicated hardware to software communication protocols. Shell utilities and “vital system components”, are not enough to be called a full OS , as much as some 80s guys that created POSIX would like it to be.
Privacy is not profitable
First thing I do after loading the liveusb is write the “mylsblk” which does the much more sane thing of: