I got like 10 follows in three days from actual accounts. I’ve posted/replied just a few times and my avatar is Richard Simmons. I figured something was up
I got like 10 follows in three days from actual accounts. I’ve posted/replied just a few times and my avatar is Richard Simmons. I figured something was up
I love my Instant Pot. You can probably find used ones now. It makes perfect rice and I use it to make oatmeal from steel cut oats nearly every morning. I also use it to steam vegetables like broccoli, especially potatoes for when I make mashed potatoes.
It’s a huge tablet screen, probably running Android or if I had to guess. I haven’t bothered trying to look. Joining my friends in classes was fun and the mini social network aspect of it, especially during the lockdowns. But in the end the stationary bike aspect works and I dont have to pay to go to a studio somewhere
So yeah, delete your account(s)
Wife and I bought a Peloton. It works well, we love it. I’m going to cancel the subscription and just use the damn thing without attending the classes etc like an old school stationary bike.
Sucks bc I enjoy a couple of the classes but this is BS
One less Trump voter. Put the guillotine on PPV to subsidize M4A.
NY case likely will be retried and this doesn’t affect the 16 years or whatever in California.
My wife works in a large suburban office park off a major highway. The company designs hardware so obviously they have people in the workshop on-site etc, but you could remove three of their office buildings and keep those people at home. She also flies out from the east coast to the west coast twice a year just to sit in a conference room for two days straight… it’s like no one has ever heard of Zoom.
I’ve been working from home for nearly a decade and a half now. It has enabled me to keep my job after moving halfway across the country. I have dinner ready when the wife and kids get home, the laundry done, and can go for a jog at the local park for a few laps when I want to and yet I still get shit done and do a great job.
It just absolutely baffles me that CEOs aren’t chomping at the bit to downsize their office space footprints, get off those leases or sell off their properties, and let everyone work from home.
I lived in Chicago for many years. The Edward Hopper piece was always my favorite to visit at the Art Institute - that and the Bruce Nauman Clown Torture multimedia exhibit when they’d rotate it in.
E: a word
That’s Brad Dourif the doc from Deadwood in the image for Phlox.
He played a psychopathic betazoid, Lon Suder, in three Voyager episodes. One of my all-time favorite characters in Star Trek.
He also was in Dune, LotR, and Alien Resurrection among other credits.
Oh nice. Thank you.
Not a fan of it being forced upon anyone but I’ll add lately that I’ve been using it to spit out Python scripts and ansible playbooks to stunning efficiency that makes my life much easier.
I tried Bard last year and it sucked, maybe Gemini is better now. I could see myself paying for one of these eventually, given how much more free time I have with the kids (or at the bar!).
Reminds of Windows 98 installation
I hated it so much.
Now I love it.
I took a good look at Apache CloudStack. I of course have been migrating stuff to k8s and working with cloud native stuff that can be hypervisor independent or bare metal even.
I’m this close to an NSX-T cert and that will be the last one. That will be in high demand for quite some time I’d expect.
I’ve done this for so long I might just be like that old Cobol programmer in need during Y2K at some point.
I’ve spent the last 15 years working with VMware exclusively. A little nervous about all of this
I used toothpaste and it never seems to completely work
I love using it for writing scripts that need to sanitize data. One example I had a bash script that looped through a csv containing domain names and ran AXFR lookups to grab the DNS records and dump into a text file.
These were domains on a Windows server that was being retired. The python script I had Copilot write was to clean up the output and make the new zone files ready for import into PowerDNS. Made sure the SOA and all that junk was set. Pdns would import the new zone files into a SQL backend.
Sure I could’ve written it myself but I’m not a python developer. It took about 10 minutes of prompting, checking the code, re-prompting then testing. Saved me a couple hours of work easy.
I use it all the time to output simple automation tasks when something like Ansible isn’t apropos