Especially the ones at the insurance companies where the patients medical decisions are ACTUALLY made.
Especially the ones at the insurance companies where the patients medical decisions are ACTUALLY made.
Parents being dicks to kids because “ow, my pride!” Is SUCH a pet peeve. Sorry you had to deal with that, broski
The Simic Combine wants to know your location
Pffft, glowing things can’t be dangerous! I snorted the glowing powder that was in my negative ion bracelet and I feel fine!
Wait, that’s just slavery with extra steps!
I grew up there. Honestly, you’re not wrong. Napoleon Dynamite is honestly only a mild exaggeration.
PSA: For maximum hygiene, close the lid BEFORE you flush.
The thing is that most voters would be in favor of such a thing. Which is why those policies rarely find their way to polls. We don’t live in a direct democracy. We live in an oligarchy.
Edit: Talking about the US here.
They HAVE to pay the peasants or they won’t work! Pay the oligarchs and it will eventually trickle down
Ok… Those don’t look half bad tho. Anyone out there got a good flan recipe?
Cities: We expect them to get help! Just not from us. We can’t lower property values like that.
TIL: Guinness Book of World Records origin story is the same as a D&D campaign: started in a tavern.
YO! That’s so neat! My stove has a huge problem with overheating and I have to play close attention to it
I also had to do a double take
I mean… There’s that one species that entered its own stone age…
Isn’t that called a slum lord?
Well there’s you’re problem! You’re disabled, so therefore unprofitable. It’s criminal that you have the ability to live while someone who could make profit for our corporate overlords might not. Shame on you for being a leech on society! (In case it wasn’t obvious, /S)
True, but… like… Can we also do both