Yup, listen to this. I had problems with my PETG layers coming apart, especially the first few. I lowered the print and fan speed drastically. Fixed all the problems I had.
Yup, listen to this. I had problems with my PETG layers coming apart, especially the first few. I lowered the print and fan speed drastically. Fixed all the problems I had.
What is the game? Hack n slash like DMC?
Hope you were able to fix your Home Assistant. I just came to quickly recommend a way to easily backup your installation. https://github.com/sabeechen/hassio-google-drive-backup
It’s a scam, anyway. I did it once with Progressive when I got my first car. Had good ratings, was promised a solid discount. Next bill comes and it’s the same amount as the previous bill. I call them and they say that the rate went up but with the discount it conveniently went back to the old rate.
You can still download and play it. It doesn’t get removed from your library.
About the matchmaking, I don’t know, sorry.
I remember reading that bosses just scale to the amount of players so my guess is solo is actually solo. This would make the solo or trio only decision even stranger…