'Illegal orders”? Why do you think was the reason for Hegseth to fired JAGs?
'Illegal orders”? Why do you think was the reason for Hegseth to fired JAGs?
Webserial is only reason I see to install Chrome. For everything else Firefox works great.
Same, all celestial names.
There is no way to have a secure or private SMTP service.
I wonder what is going to be Firefox reason to even exist if we already have Chrome and Edge?
I have been run Docker container in both LXC and VM for a long time without issues or meaningful performance penalties. So I run important single docker containers on top of LXC and everything else in Dockge / Portainer VMs.
America has lost their moral compass. Sorry to say, but USA might never be the same. I invited everyone to read a little about how societies and empires have collapsed. Spoiler alert, starts gradually and then move fairly fast.
Russ was guilty of creating and operating Silk Road and there is no question about it. However this case included two corrupt FBI agents and a very unusual sentence.
I don’t like or use TikTok, but when I see US politicians and TV “Security experts” spiting nonsense arguments to justify banning it shows to me that this is a frivolous case to benefit META and Alphabet rather than a genuine concern in data collection and privacy.
I think Tesla is fairly valued.
Eaton are probably the best out there. In my experience battery last between 3 and 4 years.
An new AMD Laptop APU will outperform Intel in every metric. I can only recommend T14 & T14S but any other Thinkpad will be ok.
It is a shame that Firefox won’t support WebSerial. That is the only reason I have to use Chrome.
This is just disturbing.
Or wearing a tan suit in summer. https://youtube.com/shorts/nKurQ8B04AA?si=5sM43h8fQSGS_9MN
I didn’t know they have a veggie patty, but I will try it next week.
You are 👍, nextcloud needs like 2 admin per each user. The snap version works fairly well even after a lot of virtualization layers. Proxmox -> Ubuntu LXC -> Snap -> Nextcloud
Ubuntu was great, until Unity debacle, when I switched to Mint DE. Few years later I returned to an Unity free Ubuntu just to be welcomed with snaps and Ubuntu pro.
The Veggie Craving menu is the only reason I buy Taco Bell. I don’t know of any other fast food with a menu like that.
This is sadly true.