Take hours to update every 2nd Tuesday. Run like squat on old/low end hardware. Require an add blocker to stay safe.
Take hours to update every 2nd Tuesday. Run like squat on old/low end hardware. Require an add blocker to stay safe.
Tracy Nelson, Dorothy Morrison, Beth Hart, Hank Williams, Johny Cash, Linda Perry to name a few of my favorites.
When setting up, you can skip adding a Google account. It’s not mandatory. Neither is a phone number unless you want to actually use the phone as a telephone.
Web on desktop and mobile.
Debian Sid XFCE.
FWIW, I’m passing SafetyNet (testing with YASNAC) on a Pixel 3 XL (Crosshatch) running LOS 19 with the following: Magisk 26.1 with Zygisk and Enforece DenyList enabled. Google Play Store, Google Wallet and banking apps in DenyList. Universal SafetyNet Fix v2.4.0-MOD_1.2 by Kdrag0n modded by Displax is the only Magisk module installed.
ZoHo’s CEO is no better https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sridhar_Vembu#Political_views