Yeah right, only? I mean it’s not a good decision politically, but also no longer economically sound, you might want to sell it down the road, to whom, and for what price?
Yeah right, only? I mean it’s not a good decision politically, but also no longer economically sound, you might want to sell it down the road, to whom, and for what price?
I enjoy gardening.
Trump’s Ukraine betrayal will have terrible consequences.
Besides all the good advice in the thread, about condoms:
He should be somewhat comfortable with putting on condoms, he has to train that before it becomes necessary. There are plenty of videos explaining it, let him find them and check them out on his own terms. Let him know not every brand fits every man. He will need to overcome the awkwardness of buying them in drug stores or supermarkets, if he finds it awkward at all, he has to get over himself and do it. A possible motivation could be that if girls can buy their period products, he can buy his dick wraps.
I find it very commendable that you think about this problem!
Talked to two Japanese students who went to Europe because they hated their home country, like you do. Both were adamant they would have become a number in the suicide statistic if they wouldn’t have gotten out of the country. They didn’t plan on returning, ever.
Just saying there is a way out, I guess that’s what I thought was needed to be said.
It’s basic state theory, I believe we had that in middle school, along with the division of power. I mentioned the US exception because if you went to school there, your basic state theory might have been different from mine.
The monopoly on the use of force is quite the important part of having a state at all. If a state doesn’t have that, it descends into anarchy (the bad kind, with warlords and gangs). The US is very exceptional in this case as it has in its constitution the provision that such gangs (militia) are allowed, even desirable.
Is this not fairly likely in the US with Mexican Spanish or/and Canadian/Cajun French?
Thanks I’ll look into it when I get some downtime! I already found the scaling by 125 or 150 percent options, but they really scale things pixel by pixel, which is very ugly and tiring on the eyes.
Seamless adaption to higher DPI when I work remotely on my work Windows machine. The RDP clients will just expand the desktop and everything is very small when I WFH. mstsc will change the size of everything but legacy apps according to the DPI of the display.
The shortage is not due to an aging population, it’s because nobody wants to go into this field.
And that is due to the pay not reflecting the extreme exploitation of the workers, in an environment that’s not very conducive to a happy life. They all end up burnt out and have nothing to show for it.
They tried keeping the pay down by hiring Eastern European medical personnel, who would work below their qualifications (doctors as nurses for example), but apparently they don’t want to work here anymore.
The problem has been going on for such a long time it is now systemic.
Seriously, “aging population”?
Walking will help sort your guts out as well, so by going for a late walk, you can take the problem to the outside!
Otherwise it’s probably just a question of your gut biome having a lot of gas producing parts.
We should really start to believe them when they say these things, and prepare accordingly.
No development required, I think they can open a drawer somewhere and pick one of several soviet designs. If they want a nuke, they can build one right away.
It would cost them the support of their allies, however, and they cannot afford that.
It’s saber rattling.
AI, check the identical blue windows on the high rise in front/lower left, continue with the other wacky windows there.
Nonetheless a fantastic cityscape.
I switched my main gaming computer to Mint after testing it on a laptop. Being away from Windows is awesome. You know how everything always wants your attention on Windows? Your antivirus proudly announces its existence. Windows wants to know if it should remove some printers? Some PDF software needs updated RIGHT NOW. There’s a license change please acknowledge this 20 page document. Animated attention grabbing everywhere. I always think FUCK OFF when presented with this bullshit.
You know what - Mint doesn’t do that. I’ve not been internally shouting at my own computer since I went that way.
It is serene.
Just power-hungry generals? Anything more to the story?
Und jetzt alle! “Ich hab ne Zwiebel aufm Kopp, ich bin ein Döner 🎺”
Oder vielleicht lieber doch nicht, wenn ich so drüber nachdenke.
176cm would be given as “eins-sechsundsiebzig” in German, literally translating to one six and seventy (yeah it’s backwards), which works exactly like currency.
It is known in Germany, “Eulen nach Athen tragen”. I’ve heard the explanation that the currency of Athens in antiquity had owl on one side.
DE Wikipedia says Masurian was a polish dialect, so you might think this was a way of disguising a polish minority as something else, but the Masurians opted German after WWI. The language was forbidden by the nazis (leopards…) and later died out as the people dispersed after WWII or were polonised.