the chick won the freaking World Cup, the dude only won the champions league
They actually both won the treble with their club teams his season. She just won the WC on top of that.
the chick won the freaking World Cup, the dude only won the champions league
They actually both won the treble with their club teams his season. She just won the WC on top of that.
It’s a good a guess as any. Which makes you…a legend.
Man, these guys have changed their sound. I didn’t realize they put out a new album. I’ll have to give it a new listen. Honestly A Laughing Death In Meatspace was the last I really got into, but after listening to The Drones and getting such a similar taste, I think a change in direction might be good for them. I like their sensibilities, but maybe got a little tired with their specific sound—which was pretty unique, but doing a unique thing is only unique for so long. Thanks for the post, I’m putting their new stuff in my roto
Oh, that’s not my experience. Every time I log in I’m seeing new content. I’m seeing a few of the posts from my previous log on, but I’m never logging on and seeing only the same shit.
Not to mention, I spend way less time mindlessly browsing lemmy—Reddit was like a compulsion. To the point that, when I knew I was leaving July, I was actually getting worried about my ability to do so. I never want to feel that way about another app. I get on lemmy, I browse around for a bit, but I don’t feel the utter need to keep scrolling. Some stuff interests me, some doesn’t…but the stuff that doesn’t is usually relevant to someone in my life. So I send it to them, and sometimes these are people I don’t typically talk to regularly.
All in all, lemmy has been a net positive in my life. I still get the app I can scroll when I’m looking to kill time, I can still write about stuff I care about, I can interact with other people…it’s the perfect balance for me. I don’t need that “everything all the time” shit. In fact, I’ve been trying to pull away from that entirely baseless desire in my life, which is nothing but a capitalist mindset. We don’t need everything. I don’t want to think I want everything.
They’re just a publicly funded lynch mob.
Insane. Fucking disgusting.
They didn’t include it in the article, but this fuckin “good squad” was called to the place because “two black men were staying with a white woman.” Thats was the call.
Who the fuck made that call? They obviously knew this type of outcome was likely, because that’s not fucking illegal. No one makes that call without knowing these types of fucking scum would be responding. So where the fuck is that indictment.
Amazon is definitely the one behind this. This is all part of their “vertical integration” bullshit I bet. They’ve been taking tons of money off the top for years. Where to go besides taking 100% of the money?
Looks too young and round faced to be chiti. It looks a little like Demi adijuyibe
“Get fix and chill” is my new catchphrase when I do my daily and nightly heroin
Because that’s their data. You can’t go deleting it. You’re the product, friend. My baby powder doesn’t get to decide it doesn’t want to go between my buttcheeks
I mean, as I said, it’s a casual observation from an outsider. Historically, sure, you could very much argue there is a trend toward machismo and patriarchal structures in Spain, as well as a lot of spanish-speaking countries. I personally got myself in a lot of situations where I was observing a man acting really aggressively toward a woman and intervened. Everyone around me (my local friends) found it really weird that I would see an issue and/or step in out of some sense of duty. Even one or two of the women that I was attempting to help would sort of seem taken aback.
Again, I’m making a huge generalization, but there is something to be said about the difference in interpersonal relationships across different cultures. And in my experience, in Spain in particular, I noticed very sort of “aggressive” tactics of “flirting” among spanish men toward women in general, but also on the flip side, got the impression that the Spanish women grew to be very strong in pushing back when it came to unknown men. Again, these are my thoroughly biased, anecdotal findings from my years spent there.
But again, there’s also a noticeable difference in race relations. More sort of blunt racism that is treated as “normal,” whereas in my country the racists are more likely to coat their racism or deny it while obviously having a racist bent to their words and actions.
Spain is a pretty religious country, and that does tend to go hand-in-hand with some sense of patriachal behavior/thinking in a lot of cases. Now, I also lived in South America for a few years and there are some similar patterns there. But in my mind, Spain is distinctly more noticeable in these respects.
Not to mention culture in the country of Spain is very patriarchal. The women are, in turn, very strong themselves because they deal with so much “macho” bullshit. It’s crazy.
I mean, take this all with a grain of salt. This is my perception living there for a few years as a man from the US. It’s noticeably different, and we have large swaths of the country that operate on a similar male-centric mindset.
“Company builds entire business model on tricking consumers and overcharging for basic flight needs”
Now let’s do every single airline for operating like fucking organized crime and gouging people for using the previously free space built into the fucking plane. The entire industry is out of fucking date and needs to be done away with
What the fuck that smile is going to haunt my goddamn dreams
Entirely dependent on the job I’m working. I work in film, so sometimes we’re on a prelight and the day is 12hr, I could work anywhere from four to maybe 10. Then some days were on 10hr shoot days, and I could work maybe 30 min. And then there are days like this week, working a documentary on multiple locations, and I worked a collective maybe 40 min/day (with a 9:30 call and me leaving by 2-3 while getting paid for 12hr).
I mean…he wasn’t exactly a paragon of health before this
Yeah, I feel like I open mine twice, maybe three times/day.