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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • You think people in California are going to be happy waking up at 3 pm, going to work at 5pm-1am, then going to sleep at 7am?

    Yes, other than a 1-time adjustment, it’s no less arbitrary than the current times they use.

    People are angry that they get an extra hour of sleep one night and lose one another. 2 days out of the year.

    They’re right to, it literally causes a rise in deaths, with this that goes entirely away, so yay?

    You really think you’re going to sell these people on waking up at 3 pm and going to bed at 7am?

    I’m not sure you’d still use am/pm, but yeah. What intrinsic negative is there? Who cares if they have to be at work at the same point relative to the local day/night cycle but it’s named something else.

    Working hours being 9am-5pm PST vs 9am-5pm PDT are just numbers

    They also come with the baggage of dst and timezones, part of which you list below.

    Maine could be in it’s own time zone as far east as it really is. The idea that Michigan is in the same time zone is absurd. Michigan should be in CST. That would drop them back an hour. If you talked to someone in Michigan they probably hate DST. Their DST should be their current standard time and then they should fall back to CST if they wanted to do the DST switch thing. They would get a lot more sunlight in the morning.

    Yeah, this is all dumb, so why not make all of these oddities go away.

  • Different employers in areas have their own arbitrary start/stop times already, time numbers are already an arbitrary concept, if someone in CA right now is working hours based on NY, when they work relative to the sun won’t change, just the numbers. The difference would be in people cold contacting others vs scheduled times. Right now if something is scheduled you have to convert it to your time, the formula for which will vary based on what time zone it is scheduled in. With this change, when reaching out to someone far away, you’d have to figure out if you’re contacting them at an appropriate time for their day/night, but that’s also inexact because people have different personal cycles anyway.

    Working hours being 9am-5pm vs 1900-0300 are just numbers.

  • There are a few sections restricted to solo only, but it’s not the default, the matchmaking is pretty quick for a random group and there’s a variety of people always looking to form groups for different tasks. One word of warning, people move fast, until you get parkour down, you might just end up running from the start to end of a level if you join groups, they’ll have completed the objectives and be waiting for you to extract.

    Clans exist, and each have their own space station called a dojo that’s customized by them (cost is based on size of the clan, as a solo I was able to build up and level a clan on my own).