Was the most weirdly aggressively Pepsi only area I’ve ever been in haha now I try to make sure we grab him a six pack when we go anywhere new juuuust in case. Haven’t run into the situation a second time fortunately lol
Was the most weirdly aggressively Pepsi only area I’ve ever been in haha now I try to make sure we grab him a six pack when we go anywhere new juuuust in case. Haven’t run into the situation a second time fortunately lol
Lol my brother is a coke guy. Took him out for his birthday and he’s in the bathroom when server came over for drink orders. My brother usually interrogates them if it’s real coke which seems kind of over the top so I just said “do you have actual coke?” and got a yes so ordered it for him. He sits down and I’m like I made sure it was coke for you! He takes a sip— it’s Pepsi lmao.
Still not as funny as the time we were on vacation in a Pepsi area. Couldn’t even find coke in the gas stations. We visit a ye olde touristy shopping center done up like the 1950s. Coke paraphernalia everywhere. I’m like great we can finally get you a coke! Go in a store, all the coolers are coke aesthetic, he’s excited. —It’s all Pepsi.
It’s hard up out there lmao. (I understand the frustration though, did once have a meltdown after a lot of driving because I couldn’t get tea anywhere that wasn’t a cheap grocery store teabag at best lol just want good tea before doing another 8hrs straight driving. Ended up angrily making my own in the parking lot like a madwoman lmfao)
I see you’ve seen my Stardew Valley games lmao thanks for the laughs this was great!
Honestly never occurred to me lol I was 17 and that was Work’s Potato, it needed to go home to Work.
I have definitely wondered the same myself lol I am also pretty shit with time management…
Once put one of those plastic wrapped potatoes in my uniform apron to put back in produce at my first retail job (got abandoned in the mac and cheese section). I then completely forgot and took it home. Took it out of my apron and put it on my desk next to my car keys because “I’ll remember to take it back”. I did not. Lived with me for a week or something when I finally put it in my apron again because I wasn’t remembering. I took it to work. I completely forgot about it and never returned it. It made this trip several times. I put it back on my desk because this wasn’t working out, surely I’ll remember if I see it.
Then I forgot about it for like three months. One day I look over at my desk and it’s a shriveled potato with a new potato growing from its own husk…
In essence, potatoes are amazing and horrifying. Just like my short term memory lol.
Reminds me of a Japanese “ghost story” I read (dunno how authentic this is, I got it out of the Barnes and Noble discount bin lol) about a man who falls asleep under a tree and isekais into the ant colony around the tree which has a long and storied history, living out a life where he married the princess, has daughters, died and was entombed before waking up and digging up the ant colony to find his own tomb.
I don’t like bugs, but I would watch this kind of story around a termite colony…
It’s funny I did a rewatch recently and I realized he’s kind of obsessed about her the way Julian is about him and she kind of treats him the same way. Julian wants to play darts, nah he wants to go hang with Keiko, nah Keiko wants to get back to having a a career, he should go hang with Julian! Now Miles is making the face Julian made when he ditched Julian lmao
Can say personally when I made a Pinterest account to save recipes lol
Not sure which party, but I’ve been getting the same notice in the mail every ~3 days with this message and my voting record listed all the way back to 2016 for the past two weeks. Honestly not sure if it’s an attempt to intimidate me to vote a certain way because it sure is going beyond “people will know if you voted” to kind of insinuating they’ll know who I vote for. Fail point is I don’t know acronyms for political groups so I’m not sure which one they’re trying to get me to vote for lol
My experience here. Had one a place I worked which did breakfast foods (yogurt, breakfast sandwiches, breakfast burritos , etc) with a small microwave slot to heat up after it vended. Food was absolutely gross and it was always dicey if anything it vended was still in date. Only nice thing was the front was see through so you could check which items had visible mold and avoid those…
Was cheaper than the cafe and had better hours (all of them) for my shift, but I don’t think the trade off of rolling the dice on food poisoning was worth it lol.
I did pharmacy billing for a while and this is a kind of innocent take that people are just being lazy. The training was terrible (I was taught the basics of the software and then given a photocopy of various employees hand written notes for common rejection solutions over the years …most of which didn’t still apply and those employees had long left; when I left in sure my notes were copied to the pile). There were metrics that kept being increased meaning spending more than 30 seconds on a claim was going to put you behind (I did night shift and my boss was talked to about me once or twice because I sometimes had an hour or two where I’d cleared everything I could and had nothing to do because the rest of the world was asleep). And, finally:
The software was designed to actively fight us. My most common reject was insurance won’t pay for anything $X or more with X being stupidly low. For many insurances you could not put in a recurring override for monthly maintenance meds. Your options were either give the patient a 2/3/whatever day supply to get the cost down and they’d just have to visit the pharmacy for pickup so much they might as well work there. Or do a one time special override every. Single. Time. Which involved me doing a special code on my end (which wasn’t the same for every insurer and sometimes they’d just randomly change it for shits and giggles with no communication, I had a list of codes that were often used I’d try guessing with). Calling their help desk whose employee retention and training were also in the toilet. If the insurance end person knew the process for a one time special override, great. If not I started specifically keeping notes by insurer to teach new people because otherwise I’d be subjected to an hour of phone hockey while they tried to find someone who both knew how to do it and could cram my call into their metrics. Then we’d have to go through generating specific rejects just because we needed it in our logs we tried shit we knew wasn’t going to work. Doctor note saying md knows med is expensive and that pt needs it to live regardless attached? Okay run it through as cost doctor approved to get the “fuck the doctor we don’t want to pay” reject. Insurance doctor/nurse team reviewed that yes the doctor is correct the patient needs this med to live code put in? Okay run it again to get the fuck our own doctors we still won’t pay reject. Now insurance help desk has to message their next level support to get authorization for a one time override for medical necessity. Okay now it’ll go through on the insurer end (as long as they didn’t fatfinger anything because the override only works for one single attempt). Great, we did it one try team! Now my turn to do it on my end which involves me removing all my codes because the software no longer recognizes the reject so will reject me for needless codes which will make us have to get the One Single Try Authorization again…
You don’t have to die to visit hell just work in medical billing.
Sometimes they just make up whole new stories (Bleach) or say fuck it and go their own way (Fullmetal Alchemist). I feel like the more accepted recent approach though is having a mini-series of an arc which has normal pacing (actually even often accelerated pacing cause they only get 12 episodes) and then just putting the show on hold.
And then you have when the anime affects the manga and the manga starts stretching the story out for “content” (feel like this happened with My Hero Academia and Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun). If it was a novel that’s being published on a pay by chapter platform you’re just completely fucked because they (generally) follow the Mark Twain model of pay per word so once a story gets popular that shit absolutely gets milked into the ground. If you’re lucky they waited to do the anime until the comic adaption was half done at which point the novel will hopefully be done…
Oof I feel bad for his partner had no idea he was in pairs from the way he’s been talked/meme’d about…
Most Olympic athletes are young and wear fashion athletic clothes donated by endorsers who help pay them. In addition in the shooting category you’re (as I understand it) allowed a certain amount of tech to help you out. This man is older, didn’t wear the endorsed fashion clothes or the tech and won gold silver so he feels like a rare “every man” win in the Olympics. He is not an “every man” (believe he’s a decorated military and police man in his country), but a lot more people can relate to him winning gold silver than a 14 year old who’s been training for this since diapers in a fashion house outfit.
If I’m into the story, yes. Feel like this kind of question doesn’t understand that a lot of stories only have going for them resolving one or two questions. Once you know the answer the rest of the story is so average it’s hard to care to finish. For example I read a lot of otome isekai (tl;dr romance novels where the heroine was sucked into a novel/game). Once you know the twist it’s just a subpar story.
That said if a story is kind of shitty and I’m considering dropping it, but I read a spoiler the twist is actually really good and puts the crappy parts in an interesting context I’ll keep reading. So case by case, reader by reader basis. I have stories I only finished because I read a spoiler, but I have just as many I never finished because I read a spoiler.
It’s not the kraft variety.
Yulo was also offered lifetime supplies of free buffets, baked mac and cheese, and chicken inasal, a grilled chicken dish, by various chain restaurants.
“After approaching the coelacanth to encourage it to move between two cameras positioned on a custom-made stand, the team turned on the lights. “At this depth, some think that there is no light,” says Ballesta. “There is [very] nice light. It’s tiny, it’s soft, but there is still light. So, it’s important to not use too much artificial light. It’s like driving in a car at night. If you put your lights on full, you see just in front of the car, and all the rest is dark. If you switch off your lights – and there is a little bit of moon – suddenly you see everything: the road, the mountains, the forest. It’s the same when you’re deep.””
For anyone else wondering.
Listening to He Who Fights With Monsters rn and enjoying it. Started out slow, but once the ensemble characters get introduced it picks up.
I enjoyed Trash of the Count’s Family (licensed in English as Lout of Count’s Family by Seven Seas) until it got too repititve and drawn out for me (which tbf was smtg like 600 chapters in) though that one’s lighter on the game interface aspect (ie you’re not getting stats and ability blocks). The found family focus is nice.
So I’m a Spider, So What? is really heavy on the game interface, but the weirdness of the premise (what it says on the tin here) and the quirkiness of the protag with a sort of deuteragonist who handles the more serious side of the story until it all comes together was good.
There’s also an whole “girls’ genre” focused on visual novel games that’s pretty popular (haven’t read/watched it, but My Next Life As A Villainess I think is the most popular). Heads up though these ones are usually around having to build relationship and romance meters if you’re just looking to stick to power leveling “boys’ genre” stuff (which no shade both are fun!). Villains Are Destined to Die is a pretty good one I’ve read for the genre, but severely depressing (there’s a bigger story, but most of it is about “I’m stuck in a game world that forces me to deal with an abusive family and it’s making me suicidal”). Probably more happy girls’ genre ones, but I can’t think of any that have an official English translation/are default English off the top of my head haha.
If you wanna dive into the genre I think most important decision is what amount of gamifying you want to read about it cause it extends from “character woke up in/is playing a game and it’s rarely if ever mentioned this is a game world again” to “every other page you have massive game statblocks dumped on you and are supposed to remember entire stat systems, skill trees, etc”.
My cat is in this picture and the only thing missing is the top of a flight of stairs lmao