This is a seriously interesting speculation. This may very well be a thing.
This is a seriously interesting speculation. This may very well be a thing.
It sounds like it’s breaking the fourth wall. Narrators can do it.
For some reason, Republicans accuse their advisaries of the things they themselves are actually doing. My guess is that OP was Republican, has come to see that the Republicans are full of shit , bit still believes the lies they told about Democrats.
Scaremongering is by definition fabricating or playing up dangers. These are real.
What is the Democratic scaremongering and propaganda?
Democrats are shitty because they are generally corporate sellouts. Republicans do the scaremongering and propaganda.
If someone gave me 700mil, I’d probably retire too.
Being naturally occuring or contrived influences their legitimacy and staying power.
Most of them were not made up recently, and in a book of words made up for that book.
Define Asian. I live in “Asia” and have never seen this.
I believe there was a book in the 80s called Sniglets that made up words for things and this was one of them. I didn’t remember what it was called. Any or all of this memory could be wrong.
I’m active in the real world and my life is enriched by the interaction I have on niche topics on social media. Doing one does not mean you neglect the other.
Your final statement is very true, however there is a reason that Fox News had to defend themselves by claiming they are entertainment. Anyone who believes that Fox News does not have more logical fallacies than most other news really needs to assess their own cognitive biases. I can see logical fallacies on topics I agree with and they piss me off more because I believe that they throw discredit on the perspective that can be argued on it’s own merits.
I taught my daughters the usual logical fallacies from a young age. While doing that I learned that while occasionally, they appear in pristine form (looking at you, Slippery Slope and No True Scotsman), usually, they come rather nuanced, often clustered together, and difficult to identify.
A great way to get good at them is watch Fox News and identify them as they come. You can watch other networks and find them, but for a constant stream, Fox is a goldmine.
No, I’m thinking of times when they knowingly put something cheap, but toxic in products and a bunch of people die. It’s mass murder and they treat it like that. In the US, if an individual kills ten people and a corporation kills ten people, the punishment will be very different.
If China’s capitalists cause death, they put them to death. If they commit fraud, the punishment is somewhat related to the crime. China has a lot to criticize, but they get some things right.
It’s good. It has the migration vibe that early Reddit had. Niche communities are hard to get started, but that’s to be expected.
Lots of positivity.
That could be different. Lemmy is not corporate owned.
Lemmy, yes. Mastodon, no. I could make no sense of mastodon and found nothing of interest.
I have flown a hundred times and slept exactly once. It was like teleporting from Osaka to Sydney. If I could do that more, it would be very good.