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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Wow thank you for this. I started using duolingo about a month ago and already see some improvement and was eventually going to start watching things like kids programs in spanish when I felt more comfortable with the basics. But now you’ve commented this I feel I can use dreaming spanish alongside duolingo to really help me, as after briefly watching one of the clips it really emphasis things which will help immensely.

  • That’s how it works with the pain. There’s no nerves inside the spine and when it slips it pushes on the nerves outside of it.

    Think of a donut, if you push on one side of it the jam will spill out of the other side. Your discs between your vertabrea are similar so force on one side eventually will push the middle of the disc out the opposite side onto the nerves. This happens over time with bad forms with anything like lifting, with no warning until it happens.

    It can heal as the “jam” can go back into the middle but the path it took doesn’t heal so it’s easy to do it again. If it’s really bad and doesn’t heal you might need surgery to fuse your vertabrea together, maybe the one above and below. That’s why it’s important to lift properly and try not to twist your body with weight, move your feet in line with you or in the direction your going.