That sounds shitty. I’m sorry your experience in the military was that way, but I wouldn’t paint the whole with a big brush like that. There are good people and bad people both in and out of the military.
That sounds shitty. I’m sorry your experience in the military was that way, but I wouldn’t paint the whole with a big brush like that. There are good people and bad people both in and out of the military.
I have no clue what state you could be from where soda fountains in the dining room aren’t free refills.
I’m from VA and lived in a few different states. I’ve work in fast food. The syrup and carbonated water combo is cheap. The cup is more expensive. Most restaurants would pay the few cents and keep the customer coming back. I always used to refill my soda when I left places. I’ve been cutting back on soda, so I don’t do that anymore.
The ‘trick’ the fast food workers are supposed to look out for is the customer asking for a cup for water and then filling it with soda. Most cashiers don’t care enough to track you though.
Every military movie, or movie that has military assets in the movie gets them for cheap (if not free}. The movie just has be get cleared as okay from the military. Don’t want to send the wrong message. It makes pro-military movies easier to make than something a bit more critical.
This is the play. One of his planners already explained it. Just not in a way that most people are assuming because they want to be lied to.
It was something to the effect. The illegal immigrant has to leave and we want to avoid family separations. If anyone is getting deported that has children that are American citizens or is married to an American spouse, then the whole family should self deport. We don’t want to separate family and the illegal immigrants have to go, so…
Idk a pic of 200 dead men with their face burned off might do something.
As a Marine (got out many years ago), most of us don’t give a shit. Some did while they were active duty, but it was only when other people brought it up to get a reaction from the Marine. There are still some loud Marines that would say something just to be loud. We come in different flavors of annoying.
While I was recruiting, I was called a soldier by a few teachers and parents and it doesn’t matter. What matters (to me) is the intent, most people are making an honest mistake. Some are trying to get a reaction out of you, I might respond if it was a bit friendly, but I mostly ignore it.
Being called a Marine instead of a soldier, is part of the brain washing. It helps point to something and say “That’s why we are better. Marine is a proper name and should be capitalized. Also don’t put your hands in your pockets. That for the nasty Army to do and not the Marines. We get held to a higher standard.”
Why wouldn’t they trust Fox News over their own eyes? Fox News is the most trusted name in news. At least that’s what the viewers get told when they come back from commercial breaks. It’s not like Fox would lie to them. They are the most trusted name in news after all…
Circular logic at its finest.
I’m just using your story as an excuse to promote Bobby Fingers. Check out a diorama on the confrontation.
Is that not working for school shootings? I thought we found a winner for a sec.
😂 well thanks for this. I feel somehow more informed and also more confused.
I corrected the orchid/orchard thing so at least I got that going. 😊
Yo. I was at an apple orchid orchard and there was a bag of apples and it stated 1/2 peck bag. I didn’t know that means. I still don’t. Volume? Weight? Whatever, do you want some apples or not?
I asked the cashier, “Hey, so what exactly is a peck? Like what would the amount be?”
He responded, " Well, like , if you took this bag and filled it up with apples then that would be 1/2 peck of apples."
I didn’t want to explain to him why that didn’t help because I thought he might have been a bit too high to give me a valid answer. They made good apple cider donuts there, though. Yum.
Just where each bin goes at the end of the pipeline. They streamlined it for efficiency.
That sounds like the beat. It is crazy similar. I’ll check out the rest of their catalogue.
S3p5r found part of the song. More dance video and less garage band. That was an interesting song though. I’m kinda curious about more nonsensical songs about Gravy.
Link for those curious.
THIS IS IT!! At least part of it. There was flash animation and what not. Thanks for this. I, at least, downloaded part of the song for me to sing to her. Thank you kind stranger for your expertise. I’ve been looking for a while now.
Here is bonus Gravy.
I should have downloaded it when I had a chance, but I assumed it would always be there. I’m an idiot.
As the target demographic in the 90s, I was happy to beg my parents for them and watch the TV shows. I saw it as a win-win.
You do need rest weeks for muscle, ligament, and tendon recovery. When I start feeling the health effect lessen (mentally), I take extra cold showers (not right after exercise as that hurts muscle recovery). Cold showers or ice baths, if you got the opportunity can reset dopamine levels. I think you just torture yourself for a few minutes and that makes you feel better about the day in comparison, but science says it does stuff on a cellular level that helps.
I heard of an idea of 4-5 walls to get over while in the cold water. First you’ll be cold and can’t think. Just move around and try to get use to it. After a while you will get to the point of being able to talk with shouting and shivering. That’s a wall. You will soon get cold again and that will start your next wall. Maybe 5 - 10 minutes for me. It helps refresh my outlook.
I love patty melts from shitty dinners, myself. I guess I’m in the minority on that one. 😋