On the bright side, in a few years it will be fun to attempt photography on like how people use the DSi camera. It’s not much, but it’s something 🤷
On the bright side, in a few years it will be fun to attempt photography on like how people use the DSi camera. It’s not much, but it’s something 🤷
Never attribute to malice what can be attributed to ignorance. They probably really do care but have little formal education and also the algorithms have decided to send them to a particular bubble of the internet.
Backing in with a backup camera is easier, and pulling out forward is much safer. Once in a parking lot I nearly started backing out when a child dashed in front of my camera/rear bumper and I was disturbed by the possibility of what could have happened in another timeline.
Is this something you want to run manually or automatically? If you want to run automatically either look into dotnet service workers, or run the console app with a crontab.
You can use https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/tools/dotnet-publish to create an executable. Then you would just transfer the resultant files, or file if you publish as a single executable file.
Do you think the people who built these platforms are teens? I’m a 27 yo engineer and Marxist through and through. Just because workers unions of the past were overturned by tyrants and capitalists alike, doesn’t mean the basic ideas weren’t sound. The system in which I am forced to participate in is fundamentally flawed.
All of those things are by design
And this makes sane programmers sad.
That’s actually a genius prank. Now I just need to find a spaceship…