Do you have places where you can buy those old business drives? Are there websites for this market?
Do you have places where you can buy those old business drives? Are there websites for this market?
I think it’s still a migration of a rather knowledgeable part of the windows users. I did migrate a year ago because of frustrations from windows pop ups showing up like they own the computer.
I a still reluctant to recommend it to my partner who is comfortable with windows but not really techy. As long as Linux works, it works. But when you need something a bit more involved or something breaks, the terminal will be harder for those users who might not have ever opened CMD in windows.
Please add a disclaimer to the documents stating it was machine translated. Machine translation can get it wrong or take liberties, make up stuff. Please inform your readers so they can be on the lookout.
Keep in mind the translated stuff by machine translation won’t be 100% what you say in your native language to other students. Be careful not to spread wrong information or knowledge.
Translator here. They do make up stuff or omit stuff they don’t like. Machine translation is fine for tourists or to translate a ikea manual in the wrong language. If there are stakes, risky. They got good enough to make sentences that look right so it can be tricky to spot the errors if you don’t pay attention.
Numbers are typical errors. Sometimes it’s there but the number has changed. Sometimes it’s not there at all. Oh and if you have currencies a translators knows a document from the UK in pounds that is adapted for France will have to be converted in euros. Machines don’t.
Generally speaking when a client wants to use machine translation, it costs them more money in the end because of the extra time needed to correct everything to a high human grade standard.
Take it easy, you’ll get your vr legs eventually. The key for me was to learn to detect when my body was starting to feel bad, stop immediately and go take a break. If you stop the symptoms early you can take regular short breaks instead of being drowsy all night.
Also, find some easier games for your stomach. Typically, stuff in a vehicle/plane/spaceship is easier for the brain because it understands something is moving but not you.
Static games work too. Beat saber is the classic but I’d like to recommend SynthRider.
Also, play around with the settings when you’re fresh and see what works. The black blinders on the side help most people but it make nausea worse for me.
I think I solved the permission issue? See edit in the main post.
Is there a command to check that?
sudo chmod 777 /your/linguacafe/temp/folder -R
I have done that and it doesn’t seem to help. Edited main post to reflect that.
Sorry that’s on me. That’s one thing I removed from the pastebin file on purpose, it’s here in the real one. I copy paste my path to be sure it’s correct.
Yeah, I’m trying to use neural DSP stuff along with guitar pro. Reaper works on Linux so the DAW is ok. I’ll take a look at yawbrige, thanks!
Just jump. I went Linux a month ago and never had to go back for gaming. I still have windows installed but I’ve used it only twice because music plugins are not compatible with Linux. Once I find a good guitar amp for my needs I can nuke windows entirely.
Oh she’s defrosted alright. My company sent the memo to start playing the Xmas playlist starting today, for 50% of tracks. Then December up to 100%. I’m happy I’m WFH and can listen to whatever I like.
Thanks a lot! I certainly need to learn about permissions and docker mapped directories in general. This is still very unclear in my head and it prevents me from troubleshooting my own stuff which is frustrating. You’re all very cool but I’d like to not post a lemmy every time an app has wrong permissions haha. I’ll have a read.
Good idea! I tried sync with my other computer and the software complained about not having permissions on the postgres folder. I investigated and found out postgres directory is owned by user:70. I have yet to find where that comes from. I changed it with a sudo chown but it reverts to the wrong owner when I restart the container.
That’s basically what the author of the app told me to do. I’m having wrong permission issues I believe and I haven’t found yet who/what assigns the wrong permission when I start the container.
I tried using tar as you said, and it didn’t work. Which led me to investigate and realize the owner of the postgres folder is unknown to me. Changed it back with CHOWN but it reverts back to the weird owner when I restart the container so I’m missing some knowledge and know-how. I’m trying to figure out who sets that permission in the first place.
I thought so, too. I played around with the tar idea and it led me to discover the permissions are wrong on the original computer. I have added new info on the main post about it but basically the owner is “user:70” and I have no idea where that comes from. I tried using CHOWN to reset everything to my own user, which is the same on both computers (1000:1000 uidguid), but whenever I restart the container, it locks again.
So far I’ve tried Debian12 on my old laptop and Mint on my self hosting rig. I think I’ll sping so VMs and test new distros before commiting to a full install. I wasn’t too happy with Mint because its boot time is much slower than Debian on a comparatively better machine so I’m not too tempted to go for it again. But maybe I messed up something and caused slow boot times.
Oh great! Thanks :)
I’m struggling really hard. My business has dried up for over six months now and I haven’t found a solution yet. But recently the anxiety surrounding geopolitical events is sky high. I’m really worried things might escalate and that I might have to join the army, willingly or not. Tonight our president is doing a speech, we’ll see what comes out of it.
Growing up all I wanted was to have a normal happy life, no extravagant dreams. Even that seems beyond reach now.