I think also because POC and women are all online too now. 15+ years ago it was probably 90% white men.
I think also because POC and women are all online too now. 15+ years ago it was probably 90% white men.
Smoking is cool… until you want to kiss a non-smoker. Few things narrow the dating pool quite as much
They always did, you’re just exposed to it more now. Because Internet.
I love it when they do. Always take one on principle. Its been about 2 years since I last saw one in the wild though
My fancy mechanical keyboard has USB ports in it, so not outside the realms of possibility. A 9-inch cable on the mouse less realistic though
Jay Foreman - definitely British, definitely funny, but its much more than that. Their series Unfinished London talks about infrastructure over the last hundred years and how it’s affected the layout of the city. Really interesting and pretty funny.
Seconded. Love their stuff. Also Contrapoints (who Philosophy Tube kinda ripped off, but hey ho, both great content.)
FD Signifier is good too.
My work (which only has 99.9% uk based clients) has an Exchange server that automatically blocks any email that isnt one of the above, plus .co.uk and .uk.com
Saves on so much spam, 1000+ per day. I think twice in 20 years we had to manually unblock a .fr and .au domain
Not everyone, but I’d bet the NSA and CIA keep copies
My bank did the same… except not really. A bunch of functions still opens in the browser, but you can only get to them via the app, not directly using just the browser.
Another option for you would just be “buy a secondhand cheap phone for banking and nothing else”
They’ve had Alexei Sayle and Will Self on question time, and they’re both pretty Hard Left, but while they criticise corruption and current affairs, never get to suggest anything hugely radical.
Not sure if that’s ever happened, but Ive certainly read my own messages over and over again for a week.
Although, IIRC, the original director general in his diary wrote “the government know they can trust us not to be truly impartial.” You never get Anarchists or Communists on discussion shows.
One of the newsreaders said after leaving that they could easily find 60 economists willing to say brexit would be disastrous, and 1 saying it would be good. Come the show, they’d present one of each to demonstrate balance, but it was very lopsided. Before he went mental, they had Graham Linehan and his wife on a current affairs show to tall about the stress of getting an abortion in Ireland. The producers were then lambasted for not having a pro-abortion person on.
Hey! What have you got against us dregs?
There’s no alternative to Reddit? Wh… What am I using right now? Am I hallucinating?
There’s a few places like that in Lanzarote. Pretty cool.
Everyone who wants to fly to America has to. Am curious what would happen if I ticked Yes next to “have you ever associated with communists”. Do they just kick you out or is there a lengthy interrogation process first?
Honestly, no. It didn’t occur to me!
Makes sense if there are. Facebook knew my phone number in advance without me having provided it. Enough friends had given permission to access their contacts that they pretty much knew who I was in advance