I think that has to do with whether it is single or double jeopardy. I think they get a free pass from the host if they forget to phrase their answer as a question in single, but not double.
I think that has to do with whether it is single or double jeopardy. I think they get a free pass from the host if they forget to phrase their answer as a question in single, but not double.
What would be the benefit of port forwarding?
Is this something you could do on your router on your side, making it so it doesn’t matter if they dont do it?
It is deterministic, it is just determined elsewhere.
If thread 1 is working on a task and needs the output of thread 2, it doesn’t know what the output is. Of you move the tasks from thread 2 back into thread 1, then you have eliminated the point of multi threading.
For that reason, I like how they are called Hand Terminals in the Expanse (books, I dont think they are referred to at all in the show)
You can be fired for what you say if it is linked back to you. That actually happens pretty regularly
I just have a hard time wrapping my head around why certain things have to be reported back. Like screen size - you can request a desktop site, so why not just let the browser request the page, the browser gets the information and displays how it needs to - why bother reporting that information back to wherever? Why not just have the browser not send back that info, or send back randomized/fake info?
The only way to really stop this is to disable JavaScript?
Its also 30 years old. Over a decade older than many legal adults. So it’s definitely possible.
And if that outcome isnt guaranteed, or even likely, is violence that may save many justified?
Hard to find nuance in anything the current government is doing
A 10 hour day leaves me drained with no energy for anything after work
If I were his hospice worker, I’d tell him Kamala won.
Since none of them saw consequences, evidently it is.
That isnt the only illegal thing they did - far from it. Look up naked short selling.
MASSIVE oversimplification incoming
In 2020, evidence was brought to light that GME price was being artificially suppressed. A lot of people bought the stock at once, which would mean that those driving down the price would lose money, so the buy button for GME was turned off (at least on some brokers).
Nothing was done about the artificial suppression. It continues to this day. Forces other than supply and demand play a huge part in the price of a stock.
Or, they just give you a playground and let you explore. Not everyone likes having their handheld all the time. From soft games give good players a chance to be good.
I’m not sure Vance is any better.
Not sure he’s any worse either. Ugh.
I can relate to that. I remember specific memories, but my situation has changed so much that I don’t relate to being the same person
I say twenty oh one just because i dislike inconsistency and prefer twenty oh over two thousand
I’m sure the Republican govt will get right on that
I think that anyone who didn’t vote because they thought the two were equivalent are probably not the type of person to keep up with this type of thing. So, there is probably ignorance, not necessarily stupidity (although there is that too). Ignorance is bliss. They’re probably in their own world worrying about other things, and they probably are happier for it.
I am envious. It will be bad enough to suffer resulting from everything president dipshit will do, but suffering from frustration knowing it is coming is awful too.