Yeah, welll… so is smoking an 8 ball of crack in 30 minutes, but that’s how long it takes.
On the upside Trev can take over.
What are the actual numbers out of curiosity.
It’s been a very difficult year for me mentally and I’m really glad I finally started watching this show. It’s had an impact I wasn’t expecting.
I see you fellow dadder
My only issue is how loud and obnoxious the prompts/alerts are at some stores who have their volume cranked to max.
Chef Boyardee juices really get my engine going.
Heh, I had just looked the other day in the app store and found it wasn’t there. Good timing.
Ever watch Ghost in the Shell? I felt bad for some tanks in that show. Especially this one.
He’s not the Krusty Krab
The “new” outlook is also god awful. I’d rather use the OWA.