Volcanic ash and beet juice. It’s such common sense that regular salt is fucking everything up. You telling me that you gona blast salt on a 6 lane highway for 300 km and expect it not fuck up the local water way from the drain run off?
Volcanic ash and beet juice. It’s such common sense that regular salt is fucking everything up. You telling me that you gona blast salt on a 6 lane highway for 300 km and expect it not fuck up the local water way from the drain run off?
Huh so that’s where those morons from jersey shore went.
Guess that’s one way to get kids outside these days. Just scater some porn mag pages in the woods, modern-day scavenger hunt.
Truth be told, I’d 100% prefer headlines like this over other nonsense that goes on.
There it is folks the gay agenda, in action!
From what I know, the co2 is pumped under immense pressure, to the point of solidifying into dry ice. At that depth where this is done once the well is sealed up, it is relatively stable.
No, it’s weird. It’s like the magic of it is gone this year. I want to be jolly, and indulge, but I can not. I bust my ass off all year, i look forward to this is on time of year where I always have said fuck work, and responsibilities from Dec 20th to about Jan 3rd. But this year is just hollow. Like a depression came apon me. Like taking a bite of a chocolate bar anticipating thar sweetness, only to have no flavor, just mouth feel.
Nah that not shity, 10/10 hilarious.
Yeah, you could turbo, tune, and mod to fit all the parts back then, or just go sign some papers at a dealer, and hopefully, the dealer was kind enough to include a roll of tp to go with it.
I get around it by not 100% relying on it. I only ask about things I’m familiar with but don’t quite remember all the facts details like hydraulic tubing sizes for what series of fitting and their thread pitches. but also don’t feel like finding that one book with the reference. Or worse yet, trying to find it on Google.
I love it. For work I use it for those quick references. In machining, hydraulics, electrical etc. Even better for home, need a fast recipe for dinner or cooking, fuck reading a god damn autobiography to get to the recipie. Chatgpt straight to the point. Even better, I get to read my kid a new bed time story every night and that story I tailored to what we want. Unicorns, pirates, dragons what ever.
Finally, I can easily share my taste in porn with my friends, family, and colleagues.
This to shall pass, a grind?
I’ve been using a 1/4" thick sheet of carbon fiber for years now. Once warmed up to temp prints stick hard on it. As soon as it’s cool a breeze can push a print of the bed. Plus it won’t shatter like glass does eventually, boy was that a surprise. You still have to wipe clean with some rubbing alcohol before printing.
Bad bearing on a moving part. Or a bur along a rail, It catches just enough to cause the smooth motion to jitter a bit as the head moves along. Blobbing the material down instead of spreading it nice and even.
You have a draft going through your room, I used to have same issue when my printer was beside a window. Less when I moved the printer to middle of the room and issue was gone when put the printer into a closet. With closed doors.
You can try lowering bed temperature to, the warm bed keeps lower layer pliable but the upper layers cool and contract pulling the more flexible layer up and away. So a cooler bed temp should make the bottom layers more ridgid.
Amazing to assume that a franchise out in cottage country makes anywhere near the same revenue as one in down town toronto. What would you say is market wage? $20 per hour $25 per hour $35 per hour?
Lol Canadians don’t want those shit jobs to begin with.
Everyone worried about the bending force, the retaining slots will tear out and drop the damn thing on the desk well before it bends.
I absolutely loved my passport. It was smooth, and it was a pleasure to use. the keyboard was amazing. At the time with bb10 os, it could do things android and apple could only dream of. Too bad they shit the bed with damn antenna desoldering it’s self.