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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • My partner and I just played through this together in co-op and had a great time. We thought it was a good game.

    I read the whole discord drama stuff, and I’m more on Crema’s side. I think they’ve made the mistake of trying to talk to a fanbase like they are just a group of reasonable people that will understand and empathize if you just lay out the facts. But they aren’t. They’re just going to pick apart anything you say and relentlessly shit on you because they are, collectively, not able to be reasoned with.

    They released an MMO in its final state, minus some Kickstarter promised stuff, that they have said they will deliver. They tried to monetize the game how they felt was best, it didn’t work out, so they’ve moved on and left a functioning, small-scope MMO. You can argue the quality of it or whether you agree with their decisions, but they made what they said they were going to make.

    And they are still releasing small updates to a community that is, frankly, awful. The subreddit is just a hivemind of asshole armchair developers.

  • You keep saying “it doesn’t hurt anyone”. But, I’m wracking my brain trying to figure out who this mod would help? Like, what kind of person is so put out by this that they would seek outside help to have it removed? It’s very difficult to imagine a version of this that doesn’t involve some pretty hurtful stuff.

    Nexusmods is very clear that they will not platform mods that promote any sort of hatred. You may say this doesn’t do that, but I think it’s pretty clear that this would do nothing except foster hateful discussion. It’s a harmless disclaimer that can already be disabled without a mod. The only reason to host a mod for this is to promote the idea that it’s wrong and encourage the types of people that think that to do what they always do, be hateful. It’s inevitable, and it breaks Nexusmods ToS pretty obviously.

    On the topic of making them “look weak”: I think it’s very clear that if you’re the type of person that wants this content, then they do not care about your opinion and do not want you to use their platform.

  • You can do some really cool stuff with emulation. I’m playing Fire Emblem Echoes Shadows of Valentia (3DS) emulated at 4x native resolution with a HD texture pack at the moment, and it makes that game really enjoyable. 3DS games in general benefit a lot from increased resolution you can do while emulating.

    Plus these things like widescreen on games that didn’t have it, cheat codes, 60fps patches, fan translations, increased resolution, mods (Luminescent Platinum is so cool). It’s just such a neat world on top of just playing older games that you can’t purchase legally or conveniently anymore.

  • Just finished up Sea of Stars. Enjoyed it, but didn’t love it. The visuals and music were spectacular. The story was kind of weak, and didn’t too much time tying into the Messenger without resolving plots in a satisfying way. Some of the characters were good, but the actual plot felt kind of pointless. Gameplay was also fun, but took awhile to get going. I think it was really fun after some more options and characters were available, but the start felt too slow. Would still recommend it though. It is a very solid game. It’s just not perfect.

    Going back to finish Pikmin 4 next and start up Cocoon on PC too.

  • Trying to get through The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles 2: Resolve. It’s so long. I swear the other AA games weren’t as long as TGAAC. These are legit like 30-40 hours each.

    Playing the new season of Destiny 2. It’s been a blast. They really did a great job with this season.

    Also going to finish a coop run of Resident Evil 5. I am not enjoying that one. Chapter 5 was awful. I don’t know who decided to give the zombies guns, but I don’t like it. Kinda ruins the combat of the game, imo.

    Hoping to start Sea of Stars after TGAAC2.

    1. Yes, you can wear your glasses. You can also provide your prescription to third party companies to make you lense inserts if you’re willing to spend extra money. Some are held with magnets and easily removable, others are a little more annoying to get in and out. But they’re great and totally worth it if you’re getting into VR.

    2. Yes. Any game will play using the headset. But it will just look like you have a big TV in front of you. They will still be “flat” games, but you can play them with the headset on. But you won’t be “in” the game, if that’s what you’re thinking. Like of you’re playing a first person game, you won’t be in it.

  • Trying to finish Final Fantasy 16 this week. I’m about to start the final quests after I finish up some side stuff. It’s kind of crazy how different the side quests at the end are compared to the beginning. They’re so much better with a ton of character development.

    Also working my way through Pikmin 4. Loving every second of that one. It’s just kind pure joy in game form. So colorful and fun.

    Will probably try to max out my season pass in Destiny 2 as well, if I have time. The game is about as boring as it’s ever been, but I’m too deep to stop now. May as well play until Final Shape then hopefully call it a day on that one.

  • I’m playing

    • Pikmin 3 Deluxe - Finished the story and started the side missions. It’s been super fun. Such a huge leap over 1 and 2. I played 2 immediately before 3DX, and I didn’t care for it. The dungeon structure didn’t do it for me, but 3DX has been wonderful, albeit very easy.

    • Final Fantasy XVI - I’ve been very slowly trucking along through this. I took a break after I had a family tragedy recently and wanted to focus on happy games while that was happening, but I’m getting back into this and hoping to finish soon. Really liking it. It’s fun, the story is good, the characters are interesting. It’s just a solid game. Wouldn’t want every FF game to be this going forward, but I’m not upset XVI is what it is.

    • Destiny 2 - Just leveling the season’s battle pass mostly. I don’t play D2 hardcore these days. Just to the story and hop off. The story for the season has been over, so I just hop on for a little bit each weekz turn off my brain, and level a few times while listening to a podcast. It’s my comfort food game, though I think I’m the most disinterested I’ve even been in this game.

  • For bsnes, accurate uses more resources to emulate more accurately. Some emulators aren’t as accurate. They aren’t exactly 1-to-1 compared to SNES. That doesn’t mean they perform worse. In fact, it often means they perform better. But running better (or different in any way) means it’s a less accurate emulation. The other versions of bsnes and snes9x are less accurate emulators, but require less resources.

    From a practical standpoint, I’m not sure you’d even notice the difference between any of them. Snes9x takes significantly less resources than bsnes though. Unless accuracy is what you care about snes9x is the better option.

  • Yeah, I’ve seen people say that. I’m not sure I follow the logic. It’s not a free to play game. It’s more “free to try”. Most of the content is locked behind the purchase of an expansion or season. There’s nothing you can outright buy to get a permanent advantage, especially if we’re talking co-op. I guess you could level the seasonal battle pass by paying for it, but the advantages that offers are so miniscule in PvP, and make no difference to the PvE portion of the game.